The Current P/S Ratio of BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES is 0.67.
Share Price | ₹190.1 | Feb 04,2025 |
Market Cap | ₹613.9 Cr | |
Sales-TTM | ₹915.1 Cr | TTM-Consolidated Results |
Price/Sales | 0.67x | Calculated as Market Cap/Sales |
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Definition & Calculation of PS (Price/Sales) ratio of BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES
P/S =
Market Capitalization
or, using per-share numbers:
P/S = Stock Price / Sales Per Share
Current Market Cap [ ₹613.9 Cr] as on Feb 04,2025
(/) Sales [ ₹915.1 Cr] based on TTM-Consolidated Results
(=) P/S Ratio [ 0.67x ]
Thus, for BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES , the investors are currently willing to pay '0.67 times sales' to own 1 share of the company.
PS Multiples are one of the most widely used valuation multiple in the industry.
P/S ratios can be a reliable benchmark to compare companies with negative earnings or book value.
You may also explore Price to Earnings ratio or Price to Book ratio of BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES !
The chart below summarizes the trend in P/S Ratio of BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES over the last five years.
Historical PS (Price/Sales) ratio chart of BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES
PS Ratio Performance Analysis for BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES
- BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES 's p/e ratio for fiscal years ending Mar2024 to Mar2020 averaged 0.35x.
- BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES 's operated at median p/e ratio of 0.28x from fiscal years ending March 2018 to 2022.
- Looking back at the last 5 fiscal years, BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES 's p/e ratio peaked in Mar2024 at 0.85x.
- BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES 's p/e ratio hit its five-year low in Mar2020 of 0.11x.
How does BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES 's P/S Ratio benchmark against top 10 peers in Steel & Iron Products Industry?
Peer Comparison (Steel & Iron Products Industry) | Sales (Cr) | PS Ratio | Market Cap (Cr) |
BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES | 915.1 | 0.67 | 613.9 |
JSW STEEL LTD | 170,274.0 | 1.36 | 230,900.0 |
TATA STEEL LTD | 221,012.0 | 0.75 | 166,529.0 |
JINDAL STAINLESS LTD | 38,567.9 | 1.33 | 51,320.9 |
STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LTD | 99,980.2 | 0.44 | 44,052.1 |
APL APOLLO TUBES LTD | 19,946.7 | 2.01 | 40,074.6 |
MOTHERSON SUMI WIRING INDIA LTD | 8,860.4 | 2.84 | 25,169.4 |
RATNAMANI METALS & TUBES LTD | 4,908.0 | 4.05 | 19,853.9 |
SHYAM METALICS AND ENERGY LTD | 14,604.3 | 1.47 | 21,473.6 |
WELSPUN CORP LTD | 15,649.9 | 1.21 | 18,907.5 |
JINDAL SAW LTD | 21,207.5 | 0.77 | 16,278.7 |
Steel & Iron Products Industry Benchmark (Top 10) PS Analysis vs BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES 's P/S Ratio
Top 10 Industry Peers | PS Ratio |
Min industry PS | 0.44x |
Max industry PS | 4.05x |
Median industry PS | 1.33x |
Average industry PS | 1.54x |
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