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Income Statement

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UCO BANK Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Interest Earned ₹17,651 Cr₹14,981 Cr₹14,446 Cr₹14,446 Cr
     Interest / Discount on advances / Bills ₹10,343 Cr₹8,322 Cr₹7,765 Cr₹7,765 Cr
     Interest on balances with RBI and other Inter-bank funds ₹902 Cr₹406 Cr₹252 Cr₹252 Cr
     Income on investments ₹6,223 Cr₹6,020 Cr₹6,065 Cr₹6,065 Cr
     Others ₹182 Cr₹233 Cr₹365 Cr₹365 Cr
Other Income ₹2,508 Cr₹3,101 Cr₹3,424 Cr₹3,424 Cr
     Commission,exchange and brokerage ₹229 Cr₹190 Cr₹153 Cr₹153 Cr
     Profit / (loss)on sale of investments(net) ₹-506 Cr₹-314 Cr₹1,796 Cr₹1,796 Cr
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹0.17 Cr₹0.52 Cr₹-21 Cr₹-21 Cr
     Foreign Exchange Gains ₹183 Cr₹316 Cr₹211 Cr₹211 Cr
     Income earned from subsidiaries/joint venture ₹14 Cr₹9.43 Cr₹9.29 Cr₹9.29 Cr
     Rent / Lease Income ----
     Provisions Written Back ----
     Miscellaneous income ₹2,588 Cr₹2,899 Cr₹1,275 Cr₹1,275 Cr
Total Income ₹20,159 Cr₹18,082 Cr₹17,870 Cr₹17,870 Cr
Interest Expended ₹10,307 Cr₹8,508 Cr₹8,966 Cr₹8,966 Cr
     Intereston Deposits ₹9,417 Cr₹8,098 Cr₹8,468 Cr₹8,468 Cr
     Interest on RBI / inter-bank borrowings ₹544 Cr₹12 Cr₹112 Cr₹112 Cr
     Other Interest ₹347 Cr₹399 Cr₹386 Cr₹386 Cr
Operating Expenses ₹5,511 Cr₹4,776 Cr₹4,755 Cr₹4,755 Cr
     Payments to and provisions for employees ₹3,873 Cr₹3,314 Cr₹3,443 Cr₹3,443 Cr
     Rent,Taxes and lighting ₹294 Cr₹268 Cr₹257 Cr₹257 Cr
     Depreciation on Banks property ₹218 Cr₹165 Cr₹134 Cr₹134 Cr
     Depreciation on leased assets ----
     Auditor's fees and expenses ₹42 Cr₹38 Cr₹47 Cr₹47 Cr
     Law charges ₹3.20 Cr₹3.18 Cr₹4.75 Cr₹4.75 Cr
     Communication Expenses ₹14 Cr₹15 Cr₹17 Cr₹17 Cr
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹19 Cr₹14 Cr₹9.80 Cr₹9.80 Cr
     Insurance ₹266 Cr₹239 Cr₹236 Cr₹236 Cr
     Other expenses ₹782 Cr₹721 Cr₹606 Cr₹606 Cr
Provisions and Contingencies ₹1,436 Cr₹3,047 Cr₹4,225 Cr₹4,225 Cr
     Provision for investments ₹324 Cr₹210 Cr₹440 Cr₹440 Cr
     Provision for advances ----
     Others Provisions ₹1,111 Cr₹2,837 Cr₹3,785 Cr₹3,785 Cr
Profit Before Tax ₹2,905 Cr₹1,750 Cr₹-75 Cr₹-75 Cr
Taxes ₹1,043 Cr₹821 Cr₹-243 Cr₹-243 Cr
     Current Income Tax ₹32 Cr₹2.89 Cr₹433 Cr₹433 Cr
     Deferred Tax ₹1,011 Cr₹818 Cr₹-676 Cr₹-676 Cr
     Other taxes ----
Profit After Tax ₹1,862 Cr₹930 Cr₹167 Cr₹167 Cr
Extra items ----
Minority Interest ----
Share of Associate ₹-36 Cr₹-35 Cr₹-21 Cr₹-21 Cr
Other Consolidated Items ----
Consolidated Net Profit ₹1,826 Cr₹895 Cr₹146 Cr₹146 Cr
Adjustments to PAT ----
IV. APPROPRIATIONS ₹1,798 Cr₹805 Cr₹-12,460 Cr₹-12,460 Cr
     Transfer to Statutory Reserve ₹466 Cr₹232 Cr₹42 Cr₹42 Cr
     Appropriation to General Reserve ----
     Appropriation to Revenue Reserve ----
     Appropriation to Other Reserves ----
     Equity Dividend ----
     Corporate dividend tax ----
     Other appropriations ₹1,333 Cr₹573 Cr₹-12,502 Cr₹-12,502 Cr
Equity Dividend % ----
Earnings Per Share ₹1.53₹0.75₹0.15₹0.15
Adjusted EPS ₹1.53₹0.75₹0.15₹0.15

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UCO BANK ₹57,855.1 Cr -2.7% 6.4% 22.1% Stock Analytics
STATE BANK OF INDIA ₹768,901.0 Cr -0.4% 2.2% 41.8% Stock Analytics
BANK OF BARODA ₹134,792.0 Cr 0.2% 1.7% 24.5% Stock Analytics
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK ₹124,698.0 Cr -0.5% 3.6% 27.3% Stock Analytics
INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK ₹108,802.0 Cr -0.5% 8.3% 28.8% Stock Analytics
UNION BANK OF INDIA ₹98,588.0 Cr 1% 9.9% 11.2% Stock Analytics

UCO BANK Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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