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Balance Sheet

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UCO BANK Last 5 Year Balance Sheet History


Share Capital ₹11,956 Cr₹11,956 Cr₹11,956 Cr₹9,918 Cr
    Equity - Authorised ₹15,000 Cr₹15,000 Cr₹15,000 Cr₹15,000 Cr
    Equity - Issued ₹11,956 Cr₹11,956 Cr₹11,956 Cr₹9,918 Cr
    Equity Paid Up ₹11,956 Cr₹11,956 Cr₹11,956 Cr₹9,918 Cr
    Equity Shares Forfeited ----
    Adjustments to Equity ----
    Preference Capital Paid Up ----
    Face Value ₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00
Share Warrants & Outstandings ---₹2,600 Cr
Total Reserves ₹15,258 Cr₹13,648 Cr₹11,513 Cr₹9,998 Cr
    Securities Premium ₹3,626 Cr₹3,626 Cr₹3,626 Cr₹15,720 Cr
    Capital Reserves ₹1.17 Cr₹1.17 Cr₹1.17 Cr₹1.17 Cr
    Profit & Loss Account Balances ₹2,371 Cr₹1,458 Cr₹-28 Cr₹-12,747 Cr
    General Reserves ₹686 Cr₹662 Cr₹546 Cr₹602 Cr
    Other Reserves ₹8,574 Cr₹7,901 Cr₹7,368 Cr₹6,422 Cr
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve ₹12,260 Cr₹10,844 Cr₹8,781 Cr₹7,307 Cr
Revaluation Reserves ₹2,998 Cr₹2,803 Cr₹2,732 Cr₹2,691 Cr
Deposits ₹263,130 Cr₹249,338 Cr₹224,073 Cr₹205,919 Cr
    Demand Deposits ₹12,468 Cr₹10,628 Cr₹11,169 Cr₹9,821 Cr
    Savings Deposit ₹86,084 Cr₹81,096 Cr₹77,162 Cr₹70,809 Cr
    Term Deposits / Fixed Deposits ₹164,578 Cr₹157,614 Cr₹135,742 Cr₹125,290 Cr
    Current Deposits ----
    Recurring Deposits ----
    Other Deposits ----
Borrowings ₹25,331 Cr₹20,501 Cr₹13,508 Cr₹15,383 Cr
    Borrowings From Reserve Bank of India ₹4,152 Cr---
    Borrowings From Other Banks ₹16,848 Cr₹14,232 Cr₹6,912 Cr₹6,375 Cr
    Borrowings From GOI ----
    Borrowings From Other Financial Institutions ₹1,441 Cr₹1,683 Cr₹1,311 Cr₹2,170 Cr
    Borrowings in the form of Bonds / Debentures ₹2,494 Cr₹4,300 Cr₹4,593 Cr₹6,368 Cr
    Borrowings in Other Form ----
    Borrowings From Out of India ₹397 Cr₹286 Cr₹692 Cr₹469 Cr
Other Liabilities & Provisions ₹7,873 Cr₹5,260 Cr₹6,609 Cr₹9,428 Cr
    Bills Payable ₹671 Cr₹539 Cr₹608 Cr₹508 Cr
    Inter-office adjustment Liabilities -₹155 Cr₹379 Cr₹379 Cr
    Interest Accrued ₹553 Cr₹893 Cr₹628 Cr₹606 Cr
    Proposed Dividend ----
    Corporate dividend tax payable ----
    Other Liabilities & Provisions ₹6,650 Cr₹3,673 Cr₹4,995 Cr₹7,935 Cr
Total Liabilities ₹323,548 Cr₹300,702 Cr₹267,659 Cr₹253,246 Cr
Cash and balance with Reserve Bank of India ₹10,197 Cr₹10,300 Cr₹10,288 Cr₹9,445 Cr
    Cash with RBI ₹9,480 Cr₹9,386 Cr₹9,371 Cr₹8,636 Cr
    Cash in hand & others ₹717 Cr₹914 Cr₹917 Cr₹810 Cr
Balances with banks and money at call ₹18,828 Cr₹18,428 Cr₹15,860 Cr₹14,155 Cr
Investments ₹92,761 Cr₹95,009 Cr₹96,749 Cr₹93,693 Cr
Investments in India ₹90,469 Cr₹92,035 Cr₹94,523 Cr₹91,500 Cr
    GOI/State Govt. Securities ₹66,167 Cr₹67,080 Cr₹68,980 Cr₹64,157 Cr
    Equity Shares - Corporate ₹350 Cr₹337 Cr₹413 Cr₹339 Cr
    Debentures & Bonds ₹23,657 Cr₹23,623 Cr₹24,458 Cr₹26,049 Cr
    Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures/Associates ₹96 Cr₹38 Cr₹74 Cr₹18 Cr
    Units - MF/ Insurance/CP/PTC ----
    Other Investments ₹199 Cr₹956 Cr₹599 Cr₹936 Cr
Investments outside India ₹2,292 Cr₹2,974 Cr₹2,226 Cr₹2,193 Cr
    Government securities ₹2,292 Cr₹2,974 Cr₹2,226 Cr₹2,193 Cr
    Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures abroad ----
    Other investments outside India ----
    Less: Prov for Diminution in Value of Invest. ----
Advances ₹182,022 Cr₹155,870 Cr₹122,784 Cr₹111,355 Cr
    Bills Purchased & Discounted ₹6,920 Cr₹8,995 Cr₹4,210 Cr₹4,086 Cr
    Cash Credit, Over Draft & Loans repayable ₹67,347 Cr₹62,667 Cr₹55,713 Cr₹54,105 Cr
    Term Loans ₹107,755 Cr₹84,208 Cr₹62,861 Cr₹53,164 Cr
    Finance lease and hire purchase receivable ----
    Advances Others ----
Gross block ₹6,328 Cr₹5,809 Cr₹5,430 Cr₹5,212 Cr
    Premises ₹3,610 Cr₹3,370 Cr₹3,258 Cr₹3,262 Cr
    Assets Given on Lease ----
    Other Fixed Assets ₹2,718 Cr₹2,439 Cr₹2,172 Cr₹1,950 Cr
Less: Accumulated Depreciation ₹2,611 Cr₹2,365 Cr₹2,143 Cr₹2,061 Cr
Less: Impairment of Assets ----
Net Block ₹3,717 Cr₹3,444 Cr₹3,287 Cr₹3,151 Cr
Lease Adjustment ----
Capital Work in Progress ₹65 Cr₹65 Cr₹48 Cr₹67 Cr
Other Assets ₹15,958 Cr₹17,586 Cr₹18,643 Cr₹21,380 Cr
    Inter-office adjustment Assets ₹221 Cr---
    Interest Accrued Assets ₹2,051 Cr₹1,981 Cr₹1,605 Cr₹1,525 Cr
    Tax paid in advance/TDS ₹161 Cr₹93 Cr₹50 Cr₹47 Cr
    Stationery and stamps ₹4.87 Cr₹5.75 Cr₹5.84 Cr₹4.86 Cr
    Non-banking assets acquired ----
    Deferred tax asset ₹7,313 Cr₹8,209 Cr₹9,220 Cr₹10,038 Cr
    Miscellaneous Expenditure not written off ----
    Assets Others ₹6,207 Cr₹7,296 Cr₹7,761 Cr₹9,766 Cr
Total Assets ₹323,548 Cr₹300,702 Cr₹267,659 Cr₹253,246 Cr
Contingent Liabilities ₹60,951 Cr₹55,598 Cr₹142,557 Cr₹73,353 Cr
    Claims not acknowledged as debts ₹200 Cr₹199 Cr₹203 Cr₹196 Cr
    Outstanding forward exchange contracts ₹40,828 Cr₹36,192 Cr₹128,136 Cr₹61,483 Cr
    Guarantees given in India ₹6,488 Cr₹5,067 Cr₹4,267 Cr₹1,111 Cr
    Guarantees given Outside India ₹24 Cr₹13 Cr₹57 Cr₹65 Cr
    Acceptances, endorsements & other obligations ₹4,875 Cr₹4,930 Cr₹4,091 Cr₹3,244 Cr
    Other Contingent liabilities ₹8,537 Cr₹9,196 Cr₹5,803 Cr₹7,254 Cr
Bills for collection ₹8,001 Cr₹8,184 Cr₹8,039 Cr₹7,110 Cr
Book Value -19.0717.3417.37
Adjusted Book Value 20.2519.0717.3417.37

Compare Balance Sheet of peers of UCO BANK

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
UCO BANK ₹43,543.8 Cr -5.6% -15.1% -33.5% Stock Analytics
STATE BANK OF INDIA ₹614,237.0 Cr -4.6% -9.7% -6.1% Stock Analytics
BANK OF BARODA ₹102,238.0 Cr -6% -11.1% -24.9% Stock Analytics
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK ₹100,391.0 Cr -7.4% -9.5% -25.5% Stock Analytics
UNION BANK OF INDIA ₹85,763.6 Cr -2.9% 1.2% -21.1% Stock Analytics
INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK ₹82,301.1 Cr -6.6% -13.2% -29.4% Stock Analytics

UCO BANK Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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