The Current P/E Ratio of IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY is -53.22.
Share Price | ₹324.0 | Mar 17,2025 |
Market Cap | ₹1,396.4 Cr | |
Earnings-TTM | ₹-26.2 Cr | TTM-Consolidated Results |
Price/Earnings | -53.22x | Calculated as Market Cap/Earnings |
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Definition & Calculation of PE (Price/Earnings) ratio of IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY
P/E =
Market Capitalization
/ Net Income
or, using per-share numbers:
P/E = Stock Price /
Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Current Market Cap [ ₹1,396.4 Cr] as on Mar 17,2025
(/) Earnings [ ₹-26.2 Cr] based on TTM-Consolidated Results
(=) P/E Ratio [ -53.22x ]
Thus, for IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY , the investors are currently willing to pay -53.22 times earnings to own 1 share of the company.
PE Multiples are the most widely used valuation multiple in practice.
Since P/E ratio uses Net Income in the calculation, P/E multiples are not always reliable for valuing companies with negative earnings.
In such cases, you may consider using Price to Book ratio or Price to Sales ratio of IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY !
P/E ratios, also, would not adjust for differences in the capital structure between companies.
The chart below summarizes the trend in P/E Ratio of IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY over the last five years.
Historical PE (Price/Earnings) ratio chart of IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY
PE Ratio Performance Analysis for IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY
- IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY 's p/e ratio for fiscal years ending Mar2024 to Mar2020 averaged 13.03x.
- IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY 's operated at median p/e ratio of 0x from fiscal years ending March 2018 to 2022.
- Looking back at the last 5 fiscal years, IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY 's p/e ratio peaked in Mar2024 at 65.14x.
- IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY 's p/e ratio hit its five-year low in Mar2023 of 0x.
How does IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY 's P/E Ratio benchmark against top 10 peers in Engineering - Industrial Equipments Industry?
Peer Comparison (Engineering - Industrial Equipments Industry) | Earnings-TTM (Cr) | PE Ratio | Market Cap |
IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY | -26.24 | -53.22 | 1,396.4 |
BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD | 456.39 | 149.01 | 68,004.7 |
THERMAX LTD | 609.53 | 63.34 | 38,606.1 |
JYOTI CNC AUTOMATION LTD | 306.68 | 75.46 | 23,140.3 |
TRIVENI TURBINE LTD | 339.57 | 47.67 | 16,186.3 |
KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LTD | 422.40 | 29.57 | 12,492.2 |
ELECON ENGINEERING COMPANY LTD | 364.15 | 24.05 | 8,757.2 |
PRAJ INDUSTRIES LTD | 271.05 | 34.91 | 9,461.8 |
KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LTD | 494.99 | 19.59 | 9,695.1 |
TEGA INDUSTRIES LTD | 182.41 | 47.14 | 8,599.1 |
SHRIRAM PISTONS & RINGS LTD | 480.48 | 16.12 | 7,744.2 |
Engineering - Industrial Equipments Industry Benchmark (Top 10) PE Analysis vs IDEAFORGE TECHNOLOGY 's P/E Ratio
Top 10 Industry Peers | PE Ratio |
Min industry PE | -53.22x |
Max industry PE | 149.01x |
Median industry PE | 34.91x |
Average industry PE | 41.24x |
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