The Current P/B Ratio of CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES is 2.99.
Share Price | ₹135.5 | Feb 07,2025 |
Market Cap | ₹2,546.0 Cr | |
Book Value | ₹850.8 Cr | Mar2024 - Consolidated Results |
Price/Book | 2.99x | Calculated as MarketCap/Book Value |
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Definition & Calculation of PB (Price/Book ) ratio of CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES
P/B =
Market Capitalization
/ Book Value
or, using per-share numbers:
P/B = Stock Price /
Book Value Per Share
Current Market Cap [ ₹2,546.0 Cr] as on Feb 07,2025
(/) Book Value [ ₹850.8 Cr] based on Mar2024 - Consolidated Results
(=) P/B Ratio [ 2.99x ]
Thus, for CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES , the investors are currently willing to pay '2.99 times book value' to own 1 share of the company.
PB Multiples are one of the most widely used valuation multiple in industry.
Since P/B ratio uses Book Value in the calculation, P/B multiples are not always reliable for valuing companies with negative book value.
In such cases, you may consider using Price to Earnings ratio or Price to Sales ratio of CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES !
The chart below summarizes the trend in P/B Ratio of CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES over the last five years.
Historical PB (Price/Book ) ratio chart of CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES
PB Ratio Performance Analysis for CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES
- CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES 's p/b ratio for fiscal years ending Mar2024 to Mar2020 averaged 2.54x.
- CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES 's operated at median p/b ratio of 2.7x from fiscal years ending March 2018 to 2022.
- Looking back at the last 5 fiscal years, CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES 's p/b ratio peaked in Mar2021 at 3.62x.
- CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES 's p/b ratio hit its five-year low in Mar2020 of 1.19x.
How does CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES 's P/B Ratio benchmark against top 10 peers in Chemicals Industry?
Peer Comparison (Chemicals Industry) | Book Value | PB Ratio | Market Cap |
CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES | 850.80 | 2.99 | 2,546.0 |
PIDILITE INDUSTRIES LTD | 8,397.31 | 17.39 | 146,014.0 |
SOLAR INDUSTRIES INDIA LTD | 3,305.60 | 24.85 | 82,156.4 |
SRF LTD | 11,458.80 | 7.45 | 85,414.8 |
GUJARAT FLUOROCHEMICALS LTD | 5,936.34 | 6.85 | 40,658.8 |
DEEPAK NITRITE LTD | 4,796.62 | 6.69 | 32,104.2 |
TATA CHEMICALS LTD | 22,241.00 | 1.07 | 23,722.9 |
GODREJ INDUSTRIES LTD | 7,989.07 | 3.72 | 29,758.8 |
AARTI INDUSTRIES LTD | 5,287.42 | 3.19 | 16,862.6 |
ATUL LTD | 5,114.34 | 3.51 | 17,969.5 |
VINATI ORGANICS LTD | 2,301.19 | 7.82 | 18,006.2 |
Chemicals Industry Benchmark (Top 10) PB Analysis vs CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES 's P/B Ratio
Top 10 Industry Peers | PB Ratio |
Min industry PB | 1.07x |
Max industry PB | 24.85x |
Median industry PB | 6.69x |
Average industry PB | 7.78x |
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