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Income Statement

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TORRENT POWER Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Operating Income ₹27,183 Cr₹25,694 Cr₹14,258 Cr₹12,173 Cr₹13,641 Cr
     Earning From Sale of Electrical Energy ₹25,696 Cr₹22,007 Cr₹13,238 Cr₹11,772 Cr₹13,125 Cr
     Less: Cash Discount -----
     Contracts Income -----
     Transmission EPC Business -----
     Wheeling & Transmission Charges recoverable -----
     Other Operational Income ₹1,487 Cr₹3,687 Cr₹1,019 Cr₹400 Cr₹516 Cr
Less: Excise Duty -----
Operating Income (Net) ₹27,183 Cr₹25,694 Cr₹14,258 Cr₹12,173 Cr₹13,641 Cr
Increase/Decrease in Stock ₹20 Cr₹-29 Cr₹-11 Cr₹8.86 Cr₹1.45 Cr
Power Generation & Distribution Cost ₹20,576 Cr₹19,229 Cr₹9,154 Cr₹7,201 Cr₹8,347 Cr
     Cost of power purchased ₹14,329 Cr₹14,981 Cr₹5,540 Cr₹3,576 Cr₹4,084 Cr
     Cost of Fuel ₹5,648 Cr₹2,508 Cr₹3,403 Cr₹3,611 Cr₹4,251 Cr
     Power Project Expenses -----
     Wheeling & Transmission Charges Payable ₹14 Cr₹6.21 Cr₹13 Cr₹34 Cr₹35 Cr
     Other power & fuel ₹585 Cr₹1,734 Cr₹197 Cr₹-20 Cr₹-22 Cr
Employee Cost ₹611 Cr₹578 Cr₹534 Cr₹539 Cr₹532 Cr
     Salaries, Wages & Bonus ₹732 Cr₹709 Cr₹640 Cr₹611 Cr₹605 Cr
     Contributions to EPF & PensionFunds ₹52 Cr₹49 Cr₹45 Cr₹43 Cr₹40 Cr
     Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses ₹34 Cr₹29 Cr₹31 Cr₹26 Cr₹26 Cr
     Other Employees Cost ₹-207 Cr₹-208 Cr₹-182 Cr₹-141 Cr₹-139 Cr
Operating Expenses ₹941 Cr₹786 Cr₹735 Cr₹619 Cr₹640 Cr
     Cost of Elastimold , Store & Spares Consumed ₹296 Cr₹196 Cr₹237 Cr₹196 Cr₹221 Cr
     Processing Charges -----
     Sub Contract Charges -----
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹596 Cr₹545 Cr₹457 Cr₹386 Cr₹388 Cr
     Other Operating Expenses ₹49 Cr₹45 Cr₹41 Cr₹37 Cr₹31 Cr
General and Administration Expenses ₹276 Cr₹238 Cr₹183 Cr₹151 Cr₹139 Cr
     Rent , Rates & Taxes ₹54 Cr₹38 Cr₹32 Cr₹27 Cr₹27 Cr
     Insurance ₹51 Cr₹51 Cr₹46 Cr₹36 Cr₹26 Cr
     Printing and stationery -----
     Professional and legal fees ₹98 Cr₹80 Cr₹49 Cr₹34 Cr₹36 Cr
     Other Administration ₹73 Cr₹70 Cr₹56 Cr₹54 Cr₹51 Cr
Selling and Distribution Expenses -----
     Freight outwards -----
     Sales Commissions and Incentives -----
     Advertisement & Sales Promotion -----
     Handling and Clearing Charges -----
     Other Selling Expenses -----
Miscellaneous Expenses ₹325 Cr₹157 Cr₹162 Cr₹188 Cr₹443 Cr
     Bad debts /advances written off ₹12 Cr₹4.02 Cr₹47 Cr₹55 Cr-
     Provision for doubtful debts ---₹15 Cr₹82 Cr
     Losson disposal of fixed assets(net) ₹37 Cr₹30 Cr₹24 Cr₹12 Cr₹40 Cr
     Losson foreign exchange fluctuations ₹4.19 Cr₹11 Cr₹0.12 Cr₹11 Cr₹12 Cr
     Losson sale of non-trade current investments ----₹1.79 Cr
     Other Miscellaneous Expenses ₹271 Cr₹112 Cr₹92 Cr₹96 Cr₹307 Cr
Less: Expenses Capitalised -----
Total Expenditure ₹22,750 Cr₹20,959 Cr₹10,757 Cr₹8,707 Cr₹10,104 Cr
Operating Profit (Excl OI) ₹4,434 Cr₹4,735 Cr₹3,501 Cr₹3,465 Cr₹3,537 Cr
Other Income ₹470 Cr₹406 Cr₹325 Cr₹142 Cr₹197 Cr
     Interest Received ₹57 Cr₹69 Cr₹67 Cr₹80 Cr₹82 Cr
     Dividend Received -----
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹40 Cr₹45 Cr₹30 Cr₹3.56 Cr₹2.89 Cr
     Profits on sale of Investments ₹0.05 Cr--₹11 Cr₹8.64 Cr
     Foreign Exchange Gains ₹0.21 Cr₹0.63 Cr₹5.46 Cr₹0.22 Cr₹0.01 Cr
     Others ₹373 Cr₹292 Cr₹223 Cr₹47 Cr₹103 Cr
Operating Profit ₹4,904 Cr₹5,141 Cr₹3,826 Cr₹3,607 Cr₹3,734 Cr
Interest ₹943 Cr₹818 Cr₹628 Cr₹776 Cr₹955 Cr
     InterestonDebenture / Bonds ₹276 Cr₹270 Cr₹164 Cr₹167 Cr₹135 Cr
     Intereston Term Loan ₹556 Cr₹483 Cr₹414 Cr₹532 Cr₹712 Cr
     Intereston Fixed deposits ₹119 Cr₹65 Cr₹52 Cr₹53 Cr₹70 Cr
     Bank Charges etc ₹26 Cr₹15 Cr₹14 Cr₹24 Cr₹41 Cr
     Other Interest ₹-33 Cr₹-14 Cr₹-16 Cr₹-1.17 Cr₹-2.58 Cr
PBDT ₹3,960 Cr₹4,322 Cr₹3,198 Cr₹2,831 Cr₹2,779 Cr
Depreciation ₹1,378 Cr₹1,281 Cr₹1,334 Cr₹1,280 Cr₹1,304 Cr
Profit Before Taxation & Exceptional Items ₹2,583 Cr₹3,041 Cr₹1,864 Cr₹1,552 Cr₹1,475 Cr
Exceptional Income / Expenses --₹-1,300 Cr-₹-1,000 Cr
Profit Before Tax ₹2,583 Cr₹3,041 Cr₹564 Cr₹1,552 Cr₹475 Cr
Provision for Tax ₹687 Cr₹877 Cr₹105 Cr₹256 Cr₹-704 Cr
     Current Income Tax ₹453 Cr₹670 Cr₹372 Cr₹288 Cr₹309 Cr
     Deferred Tax ₹242 Cr₹204 Cr₹-267 Cr₹-32 Cr₹-1,013 Cr
     Other taxes ₹-7.58 Cr₹3.29 Cr-₹0.01 Cr₹0.44 Cr
Profit After Tax ₹1,896 Cr₹2,165 Cr₹459 Cr₹1,296 Cr₹1,179 Cr
Extra items -----
Minority Interest ₹-63 Cr₹-47 Cr₹-4.72 Cr₹-4.94 Cr₹-4.73 Cr
Share of Associate -----
Other Consolidated Items -----
Consolidated Net Profit ₹1,833 Cr₹2,117 Cr₹454 Cr₹1,291 Cr₹1,174 Cr
Adjustments to PAT -----
Profit Balance B/F ₹6,702 Cr₹5,646 Cr₹5,841 Cr₹4,741 Cr₹4,620 Cr
Appropriations ₹8,535 Cr₹7,763 Cr₹6,295 Cr₹6,032 Cr₹5,794 Cr
     General Reserves -----
     Proposed Equity Dividend -----
     Corporate dividend tax ----₹115 Cr
     Other Appropriation ₹8,535 Cr₹7,763 Cr₹6,295 Cr₹6,032 Cr₹5,680 Cr
Equity Dividend % ₹160.00₹260.00₹90.00₹110.00₹116.00
Earnings Per Share ₹38.14₹44.06₹9.45₹26.86₹24.43
Adjusted EPS ₹38.14₹44.06₹9.45₹26.86₹24.43

Compare Income Statement of peers of TORRENT POWER

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
TORRENT POWER ₹74,416.0 Cr -10.1% -6.7% 75% Stock Analytics
NTPC ₹323,190.0 Cr -5.5% -6.4% 11.3% Stock Analytics
POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA ₹293,667.0 Cr -5.7% -3.1% 38.8% Stock Analytics
ADANI POWER ₹192,249.0 Cr -5.8% 4.7% -5.6% Stock Analytics
ADANI GREEN ENERGY ₹163,710.0 Cr -11.5% -9.9% -29.6% Stock Analytics
TATA POWER COMPANY ₹128,213.0 Cr -5.7% -1.8% 22.4% Stock Analytics

TORRENT POWER Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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