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Income Statement

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TATA POWER COMPANY Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Operating Income ₹61,449 Cr₹55,109 Cr₹42,816 Cr₹32,703 Cr₹29,136 Cr
     Earning From Sale of Electrical Energy ₹51,673 Cr₹47,236 Cr₹35,805 Cr₹27,759 Cr₹25,454 Cr
     Less: Cash Discount --₹280 Cr₹418 Cr₹69 Cr
     Contracts Income ₹6,755 Cr₹4,895 Cr₹4,598 Cr₹3,275 Cr₹1,418 Cr
     Transmission EPC Business -----
     Wheeling & Transmission Charges recoverable -----
     Other Operational Income ₹3,021 Cr₹2,978 Cr₹2,691 Cr₹2,088 Cr₹2,334 Cr
Less: Excise Duty -----
Operating Income (Net) ₹61,449 Cr₹55,109 Cr₹42,816 Cr₹32,703 Cr₹29,136 Cr
Increase/Decrease in Stock ₹-52 Cr₹44 Cr₹-199 Cr₹0.41 Cr₹-16 Cr
Power Generation & Distribution Cost ₹40,793 Cr₹37,960 Cr₹27,832 Cr₹20,571 Cr₹17,426 Cr
     Cost of power purchased ₹20,054 Cr₹19,119 Cr₹14,690 Cr₹8,363 Cr₹6,220 Cr
     Cost of Fuel ₹14,130 Cr₹13,764 Cr₹8,291 Cr₹9,075 Cr₹9,922 Cr
     Power Project Expenses ₹5,440 Cr₹3,882 Cr₹3,833 Cr₹2,628 Cr₹957 Cr
     Wheeling & Transmission Charges Payable ₹1,169 Cr₹1,195 Cr₹1,018 Cr₹505 Cr₹326 Cr
     Other power & fuel -----
Employee Cost ₹4,036 Cr₹3,624 Cr₹3,612 Cr₹2,317 Cr₹1,441 Cr
     Salaries, Wages & Bonus ₹2,858 Cr₹2,620 Cr₹2,466 Cr₹1,883 Cr₹1,215 Cr
     Contributions to EPF & PensionFunds ₹832 Cr₹740 Cr₹812 Cr₹283 Cr₹113 Cr
     Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses ₹312 Cr₹283 Cr₹266 Cr₹166 Cr₹151 Cr
     Other Employees Cost ₹33 Cr₹-19 Cr₹67 Cr₹-15 Cr₹-38 Cr
Operating Expenses ₹3,237 Cr₹2,793 Cr₹2,380 Cr₹1,715 Cr₹1,434 Cr
     Cost of Elastimold , Store & Spares Consumed ₹188 Cr₹180 Cr₹171 Cr₹168 Cr₹150 Cr
     Processing Charges -----
     Sub Contract Charges -----
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹2,008 Cr₹1,826 Cr₹1,453 Cr₹1,006 Cr₹838 Cr
     Other Operating Expenses ₹1,040 Cr₹787 Cr₹756 Cr₹542 Cr₹445 Cr
General and Administration Expenses ₹1,786 Cr₹1,740 Cr₹1,212 Cr₹770 Cr₹641 Cr
     Rent , Rates & Taxes ₹126 Cr₹146 Cr₹94 Cr₹86 Cr₹108 Cr
     Insurance ₹167 Cr₹147 Cr₹131 Cr₹115 Cr₹97 Cr
     Printing and stationery -----
     Professional and legal fees ₹244 Cr₹236 Cr₹176 Cr₹93 Cr₹91 Cr
     Other Administration ₹1,249 Cr₹1,211 Cr₹811 Cr₹475 Cr₹344 Cr
Selling and Distribution Expenses ₹56 Cr₹46 Cr₹15 Cr₹38 Cr₹15 Cr
     Freight outwards -----
     Sales Commissions and Incentives ₹9.28 Cr₹19 Cr₹1.06 Cr₹8.75 Cr₹1.84 Cr
     Advertisement & Sales Promotion ₹9.11 Cr₹1.33 Cr₹3.25 Cr₹3.07 Cr₹3.11 Cr
     Handling and Clearing Charges -----
     Other Selling Expenses ₹38 Cr₹26 Cr₹11 Cr₹27 Cr₹10 Cr
Miscellaneous Expenses ₹808 Cr₹1,226 Cr₹495 Cr₹289 Cr₹275 Cr
     Bad debts /advances written off ₹7.49 Cr₹52 Cr₹12 Cr₹72 Cr₹24 Cr
     Provision for doubtful debts ₹490 Cr₹384 Cr₹128 Cr₹7.50 Cr₹17 Cr
     Losson disposal of fixed assets(net) -₹30 Cr₹41 Cr-₹22 Cr
     Losson foreign exchange fluctuations ₹57 Cr₹325 Cr₹167 Cr₹66 Cr₹116 Cr
     Losson sale of non-trade current investments ----₹0.77 Cr
     Other Miscellaneous Expenses ₹254 Cr₹435 Cr₹148 Cr₹143 Cr₹96 Cr
Less: Expenses Capitalised -----
Total Expenditure ₹50,665 Cr₹47,433 Cr₹35,346 Cr₹25,701 Cr₹21,216 Cr
Operating Profit (Excl OI) ₹10,784 Cr₹7,676 Cr₹7,470 Cr₹7,003 Cr₹7,921 Cr
Other Income ₹1,824 Cr₹1,468 Cr₹966 Cr₹439 Cr₹586 Cr
     Interest Received ₹824 Cr₹608 Cr₹293 Cr₹154 Cr₹139 Cr
     Dividend Received ₹764 Cr₹524 Cr₹6.79 Cr₹6.78 Cr₹86 Cr
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹5.36 Cr--₹5.97 Cr-
     Profits on sale of Investments ----₹11 Cr
     Foreign Exchange Gains ₹0.20 Cr₹0.25 Cr₹205 Cr--
     Others ₹230 Cr₹335 Cr₹462 Cr₹273 Cr₹350 Cr
Operating Profit ₹12,607 Cr₹9,145 Cr₹8,436 Cr₹7,442 Cr₹8,506 Cr
Interest ₹4,633 Cr₹4,372 Cr₹3,864 Cr₹4,010 Cr₹4,495 Cr
     InterestonDebenture / Bonds ₹809 Cr₹1,073 Cr₹1,347 Cr₹1,249 Cr₹1,077 Cr
     Intereston Term Loan ₹3,023 Cr₹2,241 Cr₹1,659 Cr₹2,066 Cr₹2,787 Cr
     Intereston Fixed deposits ₹305 Cr₹258 Cr₹168 Cr₹100 Cr₹82 Cr
     Bank Charges etc ₹402 Cr₹344 Cr₹274 Cr₹217 Cr₹183 Cr
     Other Interest ₹94 Cr₹456 Cr₹417 Cr₹378 Cr₹366 Cr
PBDT ₹7,974 Cr₹4,773 Cr₹4,572 Cr₹3,432 Cr₹4,012 Cr
Depreciation ₹3,786 Cr₹3,439 Cr₹3,122 Cr₹2,745 Cr₹2,634 Cr
Profit Before Taxation & Exceptional Items ₹4,188 Cr₹1,333 Cr₹1,450 Cr₹687 Cr₹1,378 Cr
Exceptional Income / Expenses ₹367 Cr₹924 Cr₹-390 Cr₹427 Cr₹37 Cr
Profit Before Tax ₹5,732 Cr₹5,457 Cr₹3,003 Cr₹1,987 Cr₹2,368 Cr
Provision for Tax ₹1,452 Cr₹1,647 Cr₹380 Cr₹502 Cr₹641 Cr
     Current Income Tax ₹871 Cr₹804 Cr₹580 Cr₹648 Cr₹494 Cr
     Deferred Tax ₹726 Cr₹1,010 Cr₹493 Cr₹-146 Cr₹147 Cr
     Other taxes ₹-145 Cr₹-167 Cr₹-694 Cr--
Profit After Tax ₹4,280 Cr₹3,810 Cr₹2,623 Cr₹1,485 Cr₹1,727 Cr
Extra items --₹-468 Cr₹-46 Cr₹-410 Cr
Minority Interest ₹-584 Cr₹-473 Cr₹-414 Cr₹-311 Cr₹-299 Cr
Share of Associate -----
Other Consolidated Items -----
Consolidated Net Profit ₹3,696 Cr₹3,336 Cr₹1,741 Cr₹1,127 Cr₹1,017 Cr
Adjustments to PAT -----
Profit Balance B/F ₹20,770 Cr₹15,251 Cr₹13,890 Cr₹13,339 Cr₹3,266 Cr
Appropriations ₹24,466 Cr₹18,587 Cr₹15,631 Cr₹14,466 Cr₹4,283 Cr
     General Reserves -----
     Proposed Equity Dividend -----
     Corporate dividend tax -----
     Other Appropriation ₹24,466 Cr₹18,587 Cr₹15,631 Cr₹14,466 Cr₹4,283 Cr
Equity Dividend % ₹200.00₹200.00₹175.00₹155.00₹155.00
Earnings Per Share ₹11.57₹10.44₹5.45₹3.53₹3.76
Adjusted EPS ₹11.57₹10.44₹5.45₹3.53₹3.76

Compare Income Statement of peers of TATA POWER COMPANY

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TATA POWER COMPANY ₹108,352.6 Cr -5.1% -3.7% -8.6% Stock Analytics
NTPC ₹301,518.0 Cr -4.6% -3.8% -6% Stock Analytics
POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA ₹233,120.0 Cr -4.2% -15.1% -12.4% Stock Analytics
ADANI POWER ₹184,651.0 Cr -0% -5.9% -12.2% Stock Analytics
ADANI GREEN ENERGY ₹122,612.0 Cr -8.9% -20.4% -59% Stock Analytics
ADANI ENERGY SOLUTIONS ₹78,209.5 Cr -2.8% -12% -41.1% Stock Analytics

TATA POWER COMPANY Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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