Income Statement

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SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Gross Sales ₹48,497 Cr₹43,886 Cr₹67,191 Cr₹61,462 Cr₹59,424 Cr
     Sales ₹47,130 Cr₹42,785 Cr₹66,963 Cr₹61,197 Cr₹58,912 Cr
     Job Work/ Contract Receipts -----
     Processing Charges / Service Income ₹628 Cr₹494 Cr---
     Revenue from property development -----
     Other Operational Income ₹738 Cr₹607 Cr₹228 Cr₹265 Cr₹512 Cr
Less: Excise Duty -----
Net Sales ₹48,497 Cr₹43,886 Cr₹38,654 Cr₹33,498 Cr₹32,838 Cr
Increase/Decrease in Stock ₹292 Cr₹-687 Cr₹-108 Cr₹-638 Cr₹301 Cr
Raw Material Consumed ₹10,370 Cr₹11,349 Cr₹10,459 Cr₹9,328 Cr₹8,930 Cr
     Opening Raw Materials ₹3,478 Cr₹2,914 Cr₹3,344 Cr₹2,894 Cr₹2,784 Cr
     Purchases Raw Materials ₹6,555 Cr₹8,342 Cr₹6,618 Cr₹6,604 Cr₹5,625 Cr
     Closing Raw Materials ₹3,130 Cr₹3,478 Cr₹2,914 Cr₹3,344 Cr₹2,894 Cr
     Other Direct Purchases / Brought in cost ₹3,466 Cr₹3,572 Cr₹3,410 Cr₹3,175 Cr₹3,414 Cr
     Other raw material cost -----
Power & Fuel Cost ₹761 Cr₹830 Cr₹703 Cr₹596 Cr₹586 Cr
     Electricity & Power ₹761 Cr₹830 Cr₹703 Cr₹596 Cr₹586 Cr
     Oil, Fuel & Natural gas -----
     Coals etc -----
     Other power & fuel -----
Employee Cost ₹9,429 Cr₹8,296 Cr₹7,301 Cr₹6,126 Cr₹5,704 Cr
     Salaries, Wages & Bonus ₹8,331 Cr₹7,340 Cr₹6,444 Cr₹5,399 Cr₹5,045 Cr
     Contributions to EPF & Pension Funds ₹529 Cr₹514 Cr₹469 Cr₹374 Cr₹361 Cr
     Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses ₹497 Cr₹378 Cr₹336 Cr₹304 Cr₹261 Cr
     Other Employees Cost ₹72 Cr₹63 Cr₹52 Cr₹48 Cr₹37 Cr
Other Manufacturing Expenses ₹2,187 Cr₹1,937 Cr₹1,881 Cr₹3,487 Cr₹3,342 Cr
     Sub-contracted / Out sourced services -----
     Processing Charges ₹630 Cr₹561 Cr₹558 Cr₹542 Cr₹618 Cr
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹780 Cr₹657 Cr₹525 Cr₹473 Cr₹403 Cr
     Packing Material Consumed -----
     Other Mfg Exp ₹777 Cr₹719 Cr₹798 Cr₹2,472 Cr₹2,321 Cr
General and Administration Expenses ₹5,253 Cr₹4,256 Cr₹3,271 Cr₹2,225 Cr₹2,431 Cr
     Rent , Rates & Taxes ₹827 Cr₹729 Cr₹649 Cr₹417 Cr₹385 Cr
     Insurance ₹304 Cr₹299 Cr₹262 Cr₹230 Cr₹192 Cr
     Printing and stationery ₹171 Cr₹67 Cr₹61 Cr₹51 Cr₹46 Cr
     Professional and legal fees ₹2,953 Cr₹2,312 Cr₹1,803 Cr₹1,168 Cr₹1,147 Cr
     Traveling and conveyance ₹818 Cr₹642 Cr₹374 Cr₹237 Cr₹543 Cr
     Other Administration ₹180 Cr₹207 Cr₹122 Cr₹122 Cr₹119 Cr
Selling and Distribution Expenses ₹5,780 Cr₹5,226 Cr₹4,096 Cr₹3,104 Cr₹3,654 Cr
     Advertisement & Sales Promotion -----
     Sales Commissions & Incentives ₹223 Cr₹207 Cr₹195 Cr₹203 Cr₹213 Cr
     Freight and Forwarding ₹812 Cr₹934 Cr₹793 Cr₹622 Cr₹572 Cr
     Handling and Clearing Charges -----
     Other Selling Expenses ₹4,744 Cr₹4,085 Cr₹3,108 Cr₹2,278 Cr₹2,870 Cr
Miscellaneous Expenses ₹1,676 Cr₹1,091 Cr₹1,170 Cr₹803 Cr₹916 Cr
     Bad debts /advances written off -----
     Provision for doubtful debts ₹91 Cr₹43 Cr₹18 Cr₹4.31 Cr₹107 Cr
     Losson disposal of fixed assets(net) ₹31 Cr₹3.65 Cr₹14 Cr₹2.24 Cr₹8.69 Cr
     Losson foreign exchange fluctuations -----
     Losson sale of non-trade current investments -----
     Other Miscellaneous Expenses ₹1,554 Cr₹1,044 Cr₹1,139 Cr₹797 Cr₹800 Cr
Less: Expenses Capitalised -----
Total Expenditure ₹35,748 Cr₹32,298 Cr₹28,773 Cr₹25,030 Cr₹25,863 Cr
Operating Profit (Excl OI) ₹12,749 Cr₹11,588 Cr₹9,882 Cr₹8,468 Cr₹6,974 Cr
Other Income ₹1,628 Cr₹694 Cr₹1,437 Cr₹859 Cr₹652 Cr
     Interest Received ₹1,023 Cr₹385 Cr₹553 Cr₹211 Cr₹355 Cr
     Dividend Received ₹103 Cr₹146 Cr₹215 Cr₹256 Cr₹56 Cr
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹21 Cr₹11 Cr₹49 Cr₹16 Cr₹3.47 Cr
     Profits on sale of Investments -----
     Provision Written Back ₹29 Cr₹15 Cr₹5.98 Cr₹12 Cr₹5.22 Cr
     Foreign Exchange Gains ₹36 Cr₹-126 Cr₹154 Cr₹24 Cr₹16 Cr
     Others ₹416 Cr₹263 Cr₹460 Cr₹340 Cr₹216 Cr
Operating Profit ₹14,377 Cr₹12,281 Cr₹11,319 Cr₹9,327 Cr₹7,626 Cr
Interest ₹238 Cr₹172 Cr₹127 Cr₹141 Cr₹303 Cr
     InterestonDebenture / Bonds -----
     Interest on Term Loan -----
     Intereston Fixed deposits -----
     Bank Charges etc -----
     Other Interest ₹238 Cr₹172 Cr₹127 Cr₹141 Cr₹303 Cr
PBDT ₹14,139 Cr₹12,109 Cr₹11,192 Cr₹9,185 Cr₹7,323 Cr
Depreciation ₹2,557 Cr₹2,529 Cr₹2,144 Cr₹2,080 Cr₹2,053 Cr
Profit Before Taxation & Exceptional Items ₹11,582 Cr₹9,580 Cr₹9,048 Cr₹7,106 Cr₹5,270 Cr
Exceptional Income / Expenses ₹-494 Cr₹-171 Cr₹-4,567 Cr₹-4,306 Cr₹-261 Cr
Profit Before Tax ₹11,088 Cr₹9,408 Cr₹4,481 Cr₹2,799 Cr₹5,010 Cr
Provision for Tax ₹1,439 Cr₹848 Cr₹1,076 Cr₹515 Cr₹823 Cr
     Current Income Tax ₹1,989 Cr₹1,869 Cr₹354 Cr₹957 Cr₹1,320 Cr
     Deferred Tax ₹-550 Cr₹-1,022 Cr₹721 Cr₹-443 Cr₹-497 Cr
     Other taxes -----
Profit After Tax ₹9,648 Cr₹8,561 Cr₹3,406 Cr₹2,285 Cr₹4,187 Cr
Extra items -----
Minority Interest ₹-34 Cr₹-39 Cr₹-117 Cr₹631 Cr₹-407 Cr
Share of Associate ₹-38 Cr₹-48 Cr₹-17 Cr₹-12 Cr₹-15 Cr
Other Consolidated Items -----
Consolidated Net Profit ₹9,576 Cr₹8,474 Cr₹3,273 Cr₹2,904 Cr₹3,765 Cr
Adjustments to PAT -----
Profit Balance B/F ₹43,610 Cr₹37,646 Cr₹36,598 Cr₹35,320 Cr₹33,330 Cr
Appropriations ₹53,187 Cr₹46,119 Cr₹39,871 Cr₹38,224 Cr₹37,095 Cr
     General Reserves -----
     Proposed Equity Dividend -----
     Corporate dividend tax ----₹57 Cr
     Other Appropriation ₹1,094 Cr₹709 Cr₹546 Cr₹307 Cr₹998 Cr
Equity Dividend % ₹1,350.00₹1,150.00₹1,000.00₹750.00₹400.00
Earnings Per Share ₹39.91₹35.32₹13.64₹12.10₹15.69
Adjusted EPS ₹39.91₹35.32₹13.64₹12.10₹15.69

Compare Income Statement of peers of SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES ₹416,386.5 Cr -3% 5.6% 9.3% Stock Analytics
DIVIS LABORATORIES ₹153,258.0 Cr 1% 2.7% 70.3% Stock Analytics
CIPLA ₹116,434.0 Cr -2.7% 0.4% -0.4% Stock Analytics
TORRENT PHARMACEUTICALS ₹109,474.0 Cr 0.1% 7.2% 25.7% Stock Analytics
MANKIND PHARMA ₹99,974.0 Cr 2% 7.1% 8.8% Stock Analytics
DR REDDYS LABORATORIES ₹95,465.9 Cr -3.1% -0.2% -6.2% Stock Analytics


Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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