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Income Statement

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PUNJAB & SIND BANK Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Interest Earned ₹7,993 Cr₹7,096 Cr₹6,974 Cr₹7,930 Cr₹8,559 Cr
     Interest / Discount on advances / Bills ₹5,502 Cr₹4,778 Cr₹4,865 Cr₹5,774 Cr₹6,030 Cr
     Interest on balances with RBI and other Inter-bank funds ₹31 Cr₹118 Cr₹114 Cr₹37 Cr₹60 Cr
     Income on investments ₹2,359 Cr₹2,095 Cr₹1,874 Cr₹1,990 Cr₹2,298 Cr
     Others ₹100 Cr₹104 Cr₹121 Cr₹128 Cr₹171 Cr
Other Income ₹940 Cr₹959 Cr₹904 Cr₹897 Cr₹828 Cr
     Commission,exchange and brokerage ₹114 Cr₹101 Cr₹92 Cr₹89 Cr₹95 Cr
     Profit / (loss)on sale of investments(net) ₹101 Cr₹331 Cr₹415 Cr₹405 Cr₹358 Cr
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹2.15 Cr₹-0.16 Cr₹-0.01 Cr₹0.96 Cr₹9.80 Cr
     Foreign Exchange Gains ₹36 Cr₹56 Cr₹27 Cr₹23 Cr₹20 Cr
     Income earned from subsidiaries/joint venture -----
     Rent / Lease Income -----
     Provisions Written Back -----
     Miscellaneous income ₹686 Cr₹471 Cr₹369 Cr₹380 Cr₹345 Cr
Total Income ₹8,933 Cr₹8,055 Cr₹7,878 Cr₹8,827 Cr₹9,387 Cr
Interest Expended ₹5,019 Cr₹4,444 Cr₹4,712 Cr₹5,872 Cr₹6,279 Cr
     Intereston Deposits ₹4,718 Cr₹4,208 Cr₹4,453 Cr₹5,611 Cr₹5,991 Cr
     Interest on RBI / inter-bank borrowings ₹149 Cr₹2.50 Cr₹12 Cr₹20 Cr₹21 Cr
     Other Interest ₹152 Cr₹234 Cr₹247 Cr₹241 Cr₹267 Cr
Operating Expenses ₹2,463 Cr₹2,281 Cr₹2,393 Cr₹1,858 Cr₹1,711 Cr
     Payments to and provisions for employees ₹1,544 Cr₹1,479 Cr₹1,688 Cr₹1,211 Cr₹1,176 Cr
     Rent,Taxes and lighting ₹137 Cr₹121 Cr₹140 Cr₹138 Cr₹134 Cr
     Depreciation on Banks property ₹148 Cr₹137 Cr₹102 Cr₹54 Cr₹-15 Cr
     Depreciation on leased assets -----
     Auditor's fees and expenses ₹14 Cr₹8.59 Cr₹11 Cr₹11 Cr₹12 Cr
     Law charges ₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹12 Cr₹9.14 Cr
     Communication Expenses ₹60 Cr₹12 Cr₹7.70 Cr₹9.24 Cr₹8.66 Cr
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹31 Cr₹26 Cr₹20 Cr₹22 Cr₹18 Cr
     Insurance ₹137 Cr₹130 Cr₹109 Cr₹90 Cr₹95 Cr
     Other expenses ₹378 Cr₹354 Cr₹302 Cr₹312 Cr₹274 Cr
Provisions and Contingencies ₹-170 Cr₹143 Cr₹4,176 Cr₹2,619 Cr₹2,168 Cr
     Provision for investments ₹25 Cr₹-52 Cr₹102 Cr₹258 Cr₹258 Cr
     Provision for advances ₹-384 Cr₹190 Cr₹3,962 Cr₹2,308 Cr₹1,955 Cr
     Others Provisions ₹189 Cr₹4.81 Cr₹112 Cr₹53 Cr₹-45 Cr
Profit Before Tax ₹1,620 Cr₹1,187 Cr₹-3,404 Cr₹-1,522 Cr₹-772 Cr
Taxes ₹307 Cr₹148 Cr₹-671 Cr₹-532 Cr₹-228 Cr
     Current Income Tax ₹-17 Cr-₹-106 Cr₹106 Cr₹292 Cr
     Deferred Tax ₹324 Cr₹148 Cr₹-566 Cr₹-637 Cr₹-520 Cr
     Other taxes -----
Profit After Tax ₹1,313 Cr₹1,039 Cr₹-2,733 Cr₹-991 Cr₹-543 Cr
Extra items -----
Adjustments to PAT -₹3,687 Cr---
IV. APPROPRIATIONS ₹1,939 Cr₹1,148 Cr₹-3,482 Cr₹-668 Cr₹444 Cr
     Transfer to Statutory Reserve ₹329 Cr₹260 Cr---
     Appropriation to General Reserve -----
     Appropriation to Revenue Reserve -----
     Appropriation to Other Reserves -----
     Equity Dividend -----
     Corporate dividend tax -----
     Other appropriations ₹1,610 Cr₹888 Cr₹-3,482 Cr₹-668 Cr₹444 Cr
Equity Dividend % ₹4.80₹3.10---
Earnings Per Share ₹1.94₹1.53₹-6.74₹-14.13₹-9.62
Adjusted EPS ₹1.94₹1.53₹-6.74₹-14.13₹-9.62

Compare Income Statement of peers of PUNJAB & SIND BANK

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
PUNJAB & SIND BANK ₹27,212.9 Cr 2.3% -15.4% -38.7% Stock Analytics
STATE BANK OF INDIA ₹650,025.0 Cr 1.7% -3.2% -6.5% Stock Analytics
BANK OF BARODA ₹105,548.0 Cr 4.1% -7.1% -25.9% Stock Analytics
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK ₹101,804.0 Cr 1.7% -11.2% -29.7% Stock Analytics
UNION BANK OF INDIA ₹87,175.8 Cr 1.3% -4.3% -25.4% Stock Analytics
INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK ₹82,055.4 Cr 1% -14.7% -35.6% Stock Analytics

PUNJAB & SIND BANK Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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