Home > Income Statement > BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS

Income Statement

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BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Gross Sales ₹27,679 Cr₹26,931 Cr₹24,181 Cr₹19,701 Cr₹24,300 Cr
     Sales ₹26,707 Cr₹25,702 Cr₹23,123 Cr₹18,688 Cr₹17,898 Cr
     Job Work/ Contract Receipts -----
     Processing Charges / Service Income ₹164 Cr₹188 Cr₹129 Cr₹93 Cr₹5,577 Cr
     Revenue from property development -----
     Other Operational Income ₹808 Cr₹1,041 Cr₹928 Cr₹920 Cr₹825 Cr
Less: Excise Duty ₹3,786 Cr₹3,566 Cr₹2,970 Cr₹2,392 Cr₹2,837 Cr
Net Sales ₹23,893 Cr₹23,365 Cr₹21,211 Cr₹17,309 Cr₹21,463 Cr
Increase/Decrease in Stock ₹-437 Cr₹-57 Cr₹526 Cr₹511 Cr₹-1,042 Cr
Raw Material Consumed ₹11,985 Cr₹10,533 Cr₹9,204 Cr₹8,159 Cr₹11,782 Cr
     Opening Raw Materials ₹2,901 Cr₹2,785 Cr₹2,811 Cr₹3,321 Cr₹3,481 Cr
     Purchases Raw Materials ₹6,081 Cr₹5,991 Cr₹5,036 Cr₹3,837 Cr₹11,621 Cr
     Closing Raw Materials ₹2,866 Cr₹2,901 Cr₹2,785 Cr₹2,811 Cr₹3,321 Cr
     Other Direct Purchases / Brought in cost ₹5,868 Cr₹4,657 Cr₹4,142 Cr₹3,812 Cr-
     Other raw material cost -----
Power & Fuel Cost ₹476 Cr₹511 Cr₹436 Cr₹354 Cr₹486 Cr
     Electricity & Power ₹452 Cr₹488 Cr₹415 Cr₹320 Cr₹459 Cr
     Oil, Fuel & Natural gas -----
     Coals etc -----
     Other power & fuel ₹23 Cr₹23 Cr₹21 Cr₹34 Cr₹27 Cr
Employee Cost ₹5,629 Cr₹5,701 Cr₹5,519 Cr₹5,378 Cr₹5,432 Cr
     Salaries, Wages & Bonus ₹4,802 Cr₹4,860 Cr₹4,713 Cr₹4,700 Cr₹4,629 Cr
     Contributions to EPF & Pension Funds ₹452 Cr₹474 Cr₹460 Cr₹373 Cr₹406 Cr
     Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses ₹254 Cr₹253 Cr₹250 Cr₹203 Cr₹292 Cr
     Other Employees Cost ₹121 Cr₹114 Cr₹96 Cr₹102 Cr₹105 Cr
Other Manufacturing Expenses ₹5,765 Cr₹6,280 Cr₹5,493 Cr₹3,657 Cr₹3,933 Cr
     Sub-contracted / Out sourced services ₹5,171 Cr₹5,665 Cr₹5,036 Cr₹3,180 Cr₹3,282 Cr
     Processing Charges -----
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹173 Cr₹143 Cr₹128 Cr₹124 Cr₹165 Cr
     Packing Material Consumed -----
     Other Mfg Exp ₹421 Cr₹472 Cr₹329 Cr₹353 Cr₹486 Cr
General and Administration Expenses ₹612 Cr₹587 Cr₹512 Cr₹600 Cr₹788 Cr
     Rent , Rates & Taxes ₹28 Cr₹46 Cr₹36 Cr₹41 Cr₹64 Cr
     Insurance ₹140 Cr₹108 Cr₹96 Cr₹129 Cr₹147 Cr
     Printing and stationery ₹17 Cr₹18 Cr₹17 Cr₹26 Cr₹30 Cr
     Professional and legal fees ₹53 Cr₹45 Cr₹30 Cr₹33 Cr₹33 Cr
     Traveling and conveyance ₹105 Cr₹111 Cr₹85 Cr₹65 Cr₹125 Cr
     Other Administration ₹270 Cr₹259 Cr₹248 Cr₹307 Cr₹390 Cr
Selling and Distribution Expenses ₹217 Cr₹262 Cr₹251 Cr₹230 Cr₹317 Cr
     Advertisement & Sales Promotion ₹3.08 Cr₹3.62 Cr₹1.94 Cr₹1.55 Cr₹5.43 Cr
     Sales Commissions & Incentives -----
     Freight and Forwarding ₹200 Cr₹250 Cr₹241 Cr₹217 Cr₹287 Cr
     Handling and Clearing Charges -----
     Other Selling Expenses ₹14 Cr₹8.64 Cr₹8.01 Cr₹12 Cr₹24 Cr
Miscellaneous Expenses ₹3,848 Cr₹1,568 Cr₹1,649 Cr₹3,939 Cr₹3,389 Cr
     Bad debts /advances written off ₹20 Cr₹31 Cr₹98 Cr₹78 Cr₹58 Cr
     Provision for doubtful debts ₹3,272 Cr₹885 Cr₹730 Cr₹2,584 Cr₹2,335 Cr
     Losson disposal of fixed assets(net) -----
     Losson foreign exchange fluctuations -----
     Losson sale of non-trade current investments ₹1.94 Cr₹0.16 Cr₹0.29 Cr--
     Other Miscellaneous Expenses ₹554 Cr₹652 Cr₹821 Cr₹1,277 Cr₹996 Cr
Less: Expenses Capitalised -----
Total Expenditure ₹28,094 Cr₹25,383 Cr₹23,590 Cr₹22,827 Cr₹25,084 Cr
Operating Profit (Excl OI) ₹-4,201 Cr₹-2,018 Cr₹-2,379 Cr₹-5,518 Cr₹-3,621 Cr
Other Income ₹5,457 Cr₹3,551 Cr₹3,561 Cr₹2,818 Cr₹4,052 Cr
     Interest Received ₹494 Cr₹421 Cr₹303 Cr₹321 Cr₹509 Cr
     Dividend Received -----
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹8.92 Cr₹7.76 Cr₹6.90 Cr₹1.88 Cr₹9.30 Cr
     Profits on sale of Investments ₹0.80 Cr₹25 Cr---
     Provision Written Back ₹4,805 Cr₹2,602 Cr₹3,125 Cr₹2,404 Cr₹3,053 Cr
     Foreign Exchange Gains ₹105 Cr₹460 Cr₹82 Cr-₹435 Cr
     Others ₹43 Cr₹34 Cr₹45 Cr₹92 Cr₹46 Cr
Operating Profit ₹1,255 Cr₹1,532 Cr₹1,182 Cr₹-2,700 Cr₹431 Cr
Interest ₹828 Cr₹612 Cr₹448 Cr₹467 Cr₹613 Cr
     InterestonDebenture / Bonds -----
     Interest on Term Loan ₹595 Cr₹298 Cr₹49 Cr₹40 Cr₹73 Cr
     Intereston Fixed deposits -----
     Bank Charges etc ₹105 Cr₹142 Cr₹230 Cr₹257 Cr₹308 Cr
     Other Interest ₹127 Cr₹172 Cr₹170 Cr₹170 Cr₹232 Cr
PBDT ₹428 Cr₹920 Cr₹734 Cr₹-3,167 Cr₹-182 Cr
Depreciation ₹249 Cr₹260 Cr₹314 Cr₹473 Cr₹503 Cr
Profit Before Taxation & Exceptional Items ₹179 Cr₹660 Cr₹420 Cr₹-3,640 Cr₹-685 Cr
Exceptional Income / Expenses -----
Profit Before Tax ₹243 Cr₹716 Cr₹470 Cr₹-3,596 Cr₹-659 Cr
Provision for Tax ₹-40 Cr₹61 Cr₹26 Cr₹-896 Cr₹809 Cr
     Current Income Tax ₹31 Cr₹48 Cr₹49 Cr₹33 Cr₹63 Cr
     Deferred Tax ₹60 Cr₹173 Cr₹108 Cr₹-910 Cr₹-163 Cr
     Other taxes ₹-130 Cr₹-160 Cr₹-131 Cr₹-19 Cr₹909 Cr
Profit After Tax ₹282 Cr₹654 Cr₹445 Cr₹-2,700 Cr₹-1,468 Cr
Extra items -----
Minority Interest --₹1.32 Cr₹2.59 Cr₹2.34 Cr
Share of Associate -----
Other Consolidated Items -----
Consolidated Net Profit ₹282 Cr₹654 Cr₹446 Cr₹-2,697 Cr₹-1,466 Cr
Adjustments to PAT --₹-17 Cr--
Profit Balance B/F ₹-6,533 Cr₹-4,421 Cr₹-4,867 Cr₹-2,170 Cr₹-201 Cr
Appropriations ₹-6,251 Cr₹-3,767 Cr₹-4,439 Cr₹-4,867 Cr₹-1,667 Cr
     General Reserves -----
     Proposed Equity Dividend -----
     Corporate dividend tax -----
     Other Appropriation ₹139 Cr₹2,766 Cr₹-17 Cr-₹504 Cr
Equity Dividend % ₹12.50₹20.00₹20.00--
Earnings Per Share ₹0.81₹1.88₹1.28₹-7.75₹-4.21
Adjusted EPS ₹0.81₹1.88₹1.28₹-7.75₹-4.21

Compare Income Statement of peers of BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS ₹88,462.8 Cr -5.8% -4.1% 110% Stock Analytics
BHARAT ELECTRONICS ₹207,927.0 Cr -0.5% 0.1% 108.1% Stock Analytics
THERMAX ₹60,842.4 Cr -1.1% -2.5% 76.8% Stock Analytics
TRIVENI TURBINE ₹24,576.7 Cr -3% 4.9% 112.7% Stock Analytics
KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES ₹17,473.1 Cr 2.9% -6.4% 122% Stock Analytics
ELECON ENGINEERING COMPANY ₹16,187.1 Cr 4.6% 15.2% 74.8% Stock Analytics


Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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