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WANBURY Last 5 Year Financial Ratios History


Operational & Financial Ratios
   Earnings Per Share (Rs) 17.09-3.1824.94-5.0425.79
   CEPS(Rs) 21.070.6128.45-1.1429.66
   DPS(Rs) -----
   Book NAV/Share(Rs) 6.44-10.57-7.55-62.60-57.48
   Tax Rate(%) 0.68-1.06-0.43-1.610.32
Margin Ratios
   Core EBITDA Margin(%) 12.054.536.173.97-5.83
   EBIT Margin(%) 14.722.1819.772.7126.30
   Pre Tax Margin(%) 9.70-2.0215.77-3.1517.44
   PAT Margin (%) 9.63-2.0415.83-3.2017.38
   Cash Profit Margin (%) 11.880.3918.06-0.7219.99
Performance Ratios
   ROA(%) 17.60-3.2225.85-4.5123.10
   ROE(%) -----
   ROCE(%) 101.1529.82428.7887.61444.45
   Asset Turnover(x) 1.831.581.631.411.33
   Sales/Fixed Asset(x) 2.382.182.321.881.83
   Working Capital/Sales(x) -10.60-2.57-2.73-1.53-1.71
Efficiency Ratios
   Fixed Capital/Sales(x) 0.420.460.430.530.55
   Receivable days 49.7847.2334.5039.4546.85
   Inventory Days 18.2325.7026.4517.1715.54
   Payable days 187.82197.43190.42210.79243.11
Valuation Parameters
   PER(x) 8.54-3.41-0.71
   PCE(x) 6.9261.382.99-72.770.61
   Price/Book(x) 22.63-3.53-11.25-1.33-0.32
   Yield(%) -----
   EV/Net Sales(x) 1.010.360.620.910.52
   EV/Core EBITDA(x) 7.977.578.6717.447.83
   EV/EBIT(x) 6.8016.413.1433.391.97
   EV/CE(x) 4.225.840.921.260.70
   M Cap / Sales 0.830.240.540.530.12
Growth Ratio
   Net Sales Growth(%) 15.21-2.2630.236.82-6.11
   Core EBITDA Growth(%) 203.06-34.5980.29-16.93-1.14
   EBIT Growth(%) 669.96-89.08853.58-89.06554.63
   PAT Growth(%) 638.26-112.76746.33-119.56359.43
   EPS Growth(%) 637.60-112.74594.95-119.54346.19
Financial Stability Ratios
   Total Debt/Equity(x) 5.21-1.86-2.72-1.02-1.14
   Current Ratio(x) 0.740.380.480.270.30
   Quick Ratio(x) 0.580.310.340.200.26
   Interest Cover(x) 2.930.524.940.462.97
   Total Debt/Mcap(x) 0.230.530.240.773.60

Compare Financial Ratios of peers of WANBURY

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
WANBURY ₹689.5 Cr 4.8% -1.7% 37.8% Stock Analytics
SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES ₹404,012.0 Cr 4.6% -0.9% 5.3% Stock Analytics
DIVIS LABORATORIES ₹149,188.0 Cr 0.5% -5.5% 57.2% Stock Analytics
CIPLA ₹118,041.0 Cr 0.2% 0.6% -3.3% Stock Analytics
TORRENT PHARMACEUTICALS ₹103,512.0 Cr -0.4% -1.5% 14.8% Stock Analytics
DR REDDYS LABORATORIES ₹92,445.1 Cr -2.2% -8.6% -13.4% Stock Analytics

WANBURY Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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