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Financial Ratios

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TARC Last 5 Year Financial Ratios History


Operational & Financial Ratios
   Earnings Per Share (Rs) -2.610.69-7.890.21-
   CEPS(Rs) -2.390.93-7.590.49-
   DPS(Rs) -----
   Book NAV/Share(Rs) 43.1945.8045.1353.01-
   Tax Rate(%) 10.4350.49-1.49-565.7917.94
Margin Ratios
   Core EBITDA Margin(%) 42.1243.28-73.60-0.1218.54
   EBIT Margin(%) 45.2342.96-57.0711.2765.49
   Pre Tax Margin(%) -77.1811.16-91.510.4947.12
   PAT Margin (%) -69.135.53-92.873.2338.67
   Cash Profit Margin (%) -63.317.48-89.427.5144.16
Performance Ratios
   ROA(%) -2.380.68-7.520.191.64
   ROE(%) -5.871.52-16.070.403.54
   ROCE(%) 1.876.05-5.310.753.15
   Asset Turnover(x)
   Sales/Fixed Asset(x) 0.160.620.440.170.08
   Working Capital/Sales(x) 0.290.42-0.771.250.93
Efficiency Ratios
   Fixed Capital/Sales(x) 6.331.622.305.9911.84
   Receivable days 25.867.1215.7919.007.99
   Inventory Days 4,079.131,074.991,393.151,602.782,203.99
   Payable days -213.95232.0960.7387.76112.28
Valuation Parameters
   PER(x) -49.54-138.54-
   PCE(x) -58.4936.56-4.8259.70-
   Price/Book(x) 3.240.750.810.55-
   Yield(%) -----
   EV/Net Sales(x) 48.886.178.8811.299.43
   EV/Core EBITDA(x) 95.7413.73-16.5772.6213.28
   EV/EBIT(x) 108.0614.36-15.56100.1614.40
   EV/CE(x) 2.050.830.770.650.40
   M Cap / Sales 37.032.734.314.48-
Growth Ratio
   Net Sales Growth(%) -69.7747.1131.2439.05-
   Core EBITDA Growth(%) -65.63223.22-552.65-69.55-
   EBIT Growth(%) -68.17210.72-764.52-76.07-
   PAT Growth(%) -478.15108.75-3,870.30-88.38-
   EPS Growth(%) -478.78108.74-3,867.78--
Financial Stability Ratios
   Total Debt/Equity(x)
   Current Ratio(x) 1.312.290.801.191.19
   Quick Ratio(x) 0.220.670.150.130.12
   Interest Cover(x) 0.371.35-1.661.053.57
   Total Debt/Mcap(x) 0.341.371.091.54-

Compare Financial Ratios of peers of TARC

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
TARC ₹3,287.4 Cr -4.5% -14.9% -26% Stock Analytics
DLF ₹165,487.0 Cr 1.9% -11% -29.9% Stock Analytics
MACROTECH DEVELOPERS ₹107,838.0 Cr -2% -8.6% -10% Stock Analytics
GODREJ PROPERTIES ₹60,773.1 Cr -1.4% -6.8% -19.9% Stock Analytics
THE PHOENIX MILLS ₹57,182.3 Cr 4.9% 0.8% 14.7% Stock Analytics
OBEROI REALTY ₹57,129.2 Cr 0.9% -13.3% 12.6% Stock Analytics

TARC Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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