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Balance Sheet

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UNION BANK OF INDIA Last 5 Year Balance Sheet History


Share Capital ₹7,738 Cr₹6,939 Cr₹6,939 Cr₹6,511 Cr₹3,527 Cr
    Equity - Authorised ₹10,000 Cr₹10,000 Cr₹10,000 Cr₹10,000 Cr₹10,000 Cr
    Equity - Issued ₹7,634 Cr₹6,835 Cr₹6,835 Cr₹6,407 Cr₹3,423 Cr
    Equity Paid Up ₹7,634 Cr₹6,835 Cr₹6,835 Cr₹6,407 Cr₹3,423 Cr
    Equity Shares Forfeited -----
    Adjustments to Equity -----
    Preference Capital Paid Up ₹104 Cr₹104 Cr₹104 Cr₹104 Cr₹104 Cr
    Face Value ₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00
Share Warrants & Outstandings -----
Total Reserves ₹89,860 Cr₹71,865 Cr₹63,922 Cr₹58,227 Cr₹30,463 Cr
    Securities Premium ₹25,595 Cr₹18,423 Cr₹18,393 Cr₹17,379 Cr₹25,278 Cr
    Capital Reserves ₹6,163 Cr₹6,000 Cr₹5,935 Cr₹4,738 Cr₹1,660 Cr
    Profit & Loss Account Balances ₹583 Cr₹583 Cr₹0.00 Cr₹0.00 Cr₹-11,673 Cr
    General Reserves -----
    Other Reserves ₹57,519 Cr₹46,859 Cr₹39,594 Cr₹36,110 Cr₹15,199 Cr
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve ₹84,216 Cr₹65,732 Cr₹59,165 Cr₹53,328 Cr₹27,288 Cr
Revaluation Reserves ₹5,644 Cr₹6,132 Cr₹4,757 Cr₹4,898 Cr₹3,174 Cr
Deposits ₹1,224,593 Cr₹1,120,322 Cr₹1,034,368 Cr₹925,654 Cr₹452,436 Cr
    Demand Deposits ₹73,773 Cr₹73,999 Cr₹72,716 Cr₹63,708 Cr₹26,493 Cr
    Savings Deposit ₹336,370 Cr₹320,105 Cr₹304,577 Cr₹271,997 Cr₹133,975 Cr
    Term Deposits / Fixed Deposits ₹814,450 Cr₹726,218 Cr₹657,074 Cr₹589,949 Cr₹291,968 Cr
    Current Deposits -----
    Recurring Deposits -----
    Other Deposits -----
Borrowings ₹26,974 Cr₹42,737 Cr₹51,245 Cr₹51,922 Cr₹52,714 Cr
    Borrowings From Reserve Bank of India -₹13,382 Cr₹14,209 Cr₹14,209 Cr-
    Borrowings From Other Banks ₹17 Cr₹7.58 Cr₹1,983 Cr₹1,403 Cr₹2,013 Cr
    Borrowings From GOI -----
    Borrowings From Other Financial Institutions ₹4,840 Cr₹2,346 Cr₹3,022 Cr₹2,782 Cr₹20,253 Cr
    Borrowings in the form of Bonds / Debentures ₹17,638 Cr₹19,638 Cr₹18,755 Cr₹17,655 Cr₹10,050 Cr
    Borrowings in Other Form -----
    Borrowings From Out of India ₹4,479 Cr₹7,363 Cr₹13,276 Cr₹15,873 Cr₹20,398 Cr
Other Liabilities & Provisions ₹52,831 Cr₹46,495 Cr₹37,292 Cr₹40,063 Cr₹16,369 Cr
    Bills Payable ₹2,641 Cr₹2,650 Cr₹2,689 Cr₹2,303 Cr₹909 Cr
    Inter-office adjustment Liabilities -----
    Interest Accrued ₹5,248 Cr₹6,034 Cr₹4,549 Cr₹3,181 Cr₹1,877 Cr
    Proposed Dividend ₹2,748 Cr₹2,050 Cr₹1,299 Cr--
    Corporate dividend tax payable -----
    Other Liabilities & Provisions ₹42,193 Cr₹35,761 Cr₹28,754 Cr₹34,580 Cr₹13,583 Cr
Total Liabilities ₹1,401,996 Cr₹1,288,357 Cr₹1,193,766 Cr₹1,082,377 Cr₹555,509 Cr
Cash and balance with Reserve Bank of India ₹52,902 Cr₹50,258 Cr₹46,116 Cr₹37,886 Cr₹20,119 Cr
    Cash with RBI ₹50,626 Cr₹47,416 Cr₹42,331 Cr₹34,099 Cr₹18,114 Cr
    Cash in hand & others ₹2,275 Cr₹2,842 Cr₹3,785 Cr₹3,786 Cr₹2,005 Cr
Balances with banks and money at call ₹66,744 Cr₹62,341 Cr₹73,642 Cr₹46,878 Cr₹35,130 Cr
Investments ₹343,953 Cr₹343,727 Cr₹351,839 Cr₹339,059 Cr₹154,251 Cr
Investments in India ₹341,412 Cr₹341,422 Cr₹349,712 Cr₹336,931 Cr₹152,006 Cr
    GOI/State Govt. Securities ₹275,559 Cr₹262,259 Cr₹265,829 Cr₹242,561 Cr₹106,397 Cr
    Equity Shares - Corporate ₹2,828 Cr₹2,453 Cr₹2,624 Cr₹3,279 Cr₹1,504 Cr
    Debentures & Bonds ₹57,909 Cr₹64,339 Cr₹70,349 Cr₹75,858 Cr₹34,969 Cr
    Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures/Associates ₹438 Cr₹350 Cr₹269 Cr₹212 Cr₹133 Cr
    Units - MF/ Insurance/CP/PTC -----
    Other Investments ₹4,678 Cr₹12,020 Cr₹10,641 Cr₹15,019 Cr₹9,002 Cr
Investments outside India ₹2,541 Cr₹2,305 Cr₹2,127 Cr₹2,128 Cr₹2,246 Cr
    Government securities ₹2,200 Cr₹1,869 Cr₹1,856 Cr₹1,878 Cr₹1,980 Cr
    Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures abroad -----
    Other investments outside India ₹341 Cr₹436 Cr₹271 Cr₹250 Cr₹266 Cr
    Less: Prov for Diminution in Value of Invest. -----
Advances ₹874,080 Cr₹764,277 Cr₹663,356 Cr₹593,320 Cr₹317,677 Cr
    Bills Purchased & Discounted ₹3,594 Cr₹3,297 Cr₹3,873 Cr₹4,115 Cr₹2,777 Cr
    Cash Credit, Over Draft & Loans repayable ₹434,167 Cr₹348,617 Cr₹287,958 Cr₹266,271 Cr₹143,154 Cr
    Term Loans ₹436,318 Cr₹412,362 Cr₹371,524 Cr₹322,934 Cr₹171,747 Cr
    Finance lease and hire purchase receivable -----
    Advances Others -----
Gross block ₹19,622 Cr₹18,681 Cr₹16,518 Cr₹16,002 Cr₹8,442 Cr
    Premises ₹9,432 Cr₹9,589 Cr₹8,098 Cr₹8,171 Cr₹4,919 Cr
    Assets Given on Lease ₹0.31 Cr₹31 Cr₹27 Cr₹27 Cr₹27 Cr
    Other Fixed Assets ₹10,189 Cr₹9,061 Cr₹8,393 Cr₹7,804 Cr₹3,496 Cr
Less: Accumulated Depreciation ₹10,398 Cr₹9,856 Cr₹9,347 Cr₹8,699 Cr₹3,721 Cr
Less: Impairment of Assets -----
Net Block ₹9,224 Cr₹8,826 Cr₹7,171 Cr₹7,303 Cr₹4,721 Cr
Lease Adjustment -----
Capital Work in Progress ₹36 Cr₹22 Cr₹37 Cr₹63 Cr₹54 Cr
Other Assets ₹55,058 Cr₹58,907 Cr₹51,604 Cr₹57,869 Cr₹23,556 Cr
    Inter-office adjustment Assets ₹1,703 Cr₹2,202 Cr₹1,800 Cr₹7,340 Cr₹1,520 Cr
    Interest Accrued Assets ₹10,874 Cr₹9,192 Cr₹7,777 Cr₹6,168 Cr₹2,609 Cr
    Tax paid in advance/TDS ₹7,130 Cr₹6,757 Cr₹5,411 Cr₹6,640 Cr₹1,511 Cr
    Stationery and stamps ₹6.19 Cr₹6.28 Cr₹6.34 Cr₹6.82 Cr₹3.71 Cr
    Non-banking assets acquired ₹0.13 Cr₹0.13 Cr₹0.13 Cr₹0.12 Cr₹0.04 Cr
    Deferred tax asset ₹3,714 Cr₹8,663 Cr₹12,295 Cr₹15,675 Cr₹7,357 Cr
    Miscellaneous Expenditure not written off -----
    Assets Others ₹31,631 Cr₹32,087 Cr₹24,315 Cr₹22,039 Cr₹10,555 Cr
Total Assets ₹1,401,996 Cr₹1,288,357 Cr₹1,193,766 Cr₹1,082,377 Cr₹555,509 Cr
Contingent Liabilities ₹583,383 Cr₹608,099 Cr₹651,147 Cr₹371,781 Cr₹189,113 Cr
    Claims not acknowledged as debts ₹30,846 Cr₹24,052 Cr₹17,144 Cr₹19,445 Cr₹7,205 Cr
    Outstanding forward exchange contracts ₹372,061 Cr₹413,376 Cr₹437,121 Cr₹230,092 Cr₹107,317 Cr
    Guarantees given in India ₹69,621 Cr₹66,406 Cr₹65,351 Cr₹66,328 Cr₹40,283 Cr
    Guarantees given Outside India ₹675 Cr₹1,423 Cr₹1,659 Cr₹1,350 Cr₹851 Cr
    Acceptances, endorsements & other obligations ₹106,716 Cr₹99,642 Cr₹126,996 Cr₹52,148 Cr₹32,115 Cr
    Other Contingent liabilities ₹3,464 Cr₹3,199 Cr₹2,877 Cr₹2,419 Cr₹1,342 Cr
Bills for collection ₹50,253 Cr₹43,567 Cr₹66,089 Cr₹34,695 Cr₹21,683 Cr
Book Value 120.32106.1796.5793.2489.73
Adjusted Book Value 120.32106.1796.5793.2489.73

Compare Balance Sheet of peers of UNION BANK OF INDIA

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
UNION BANK OF INDIA ₹95,420.0 Cr -3.2% 9.9% 5.8% Stock Analytics
STATE BANK OF INDIA ₹758,771.0 Cr -1.3% 5.7% 38.9% Stock Analytics
BANK OF BARODA ₹132,361.0 Cr -1.8% 6% 17.2% Stock Analytics
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK ₹121,825.0 Cr -2.3% 6.6% 21.8% Stock Analytics
INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK ₹104,247.0 Cr -4.2% 11.4% 30.2% Stock Analytics
CANARA BANK ₹95,377.9 Cr -3.4% 7.9% 19.4% Stock Analytics

UNION BANK OF INDIA Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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