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Balance Sheet

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KARUR VYSYA BANK Last 5 Year Balance Sheet History


Share Capital ₹161 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr
    Equity - Authorised ₹200 Cr₹200 Cr₹200 Cr₹200 Cr₹200 Cr
    Equity - Issued ₹161 Cr₹161 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr
    Equity Paid Up ₹161 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr₹160 Cr
    Equity Shares Forfeited -----
    Adjustments to Equity -----
    Preference Capital Paid Up -----
    Face Value ₹2.00₹2.00₹2.00₹2.00₹2.00
Share Warrants & Outstandings ₹4.20 Cr₹2.25 Cr₹0.63 Cr₹0.43 Cr₹0.49 Cr
Total Reserves ₹9,875 Cr₹8,421 Cr₹7,436 Cr₹6,799 Cr₹6,440 Cr
    Securities Premium ₹2,085 Cr₹2,076 Cr₹2,068 Cr₹2,065 Cr₹2,065 Cr
    Capital Reserves ₹437 Cr₹436 Cr₹436 Cr₹420 Cr₹335 Cr
    Profit & Loss Account Balances ₹203 Cr₹163 Cr₹130 Cr₹41 Cr₹1.74 Cr
    General Reserves ₹3,570 Cr₹2,855 Cr₹2,248 Cr₹1,928 Cr₹1,823 Cr
    Other Reserves ₹3,580 Cr₹2,892 Cr₹2,553 Cr₹2,345 Cr₹2,215 Cr
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve ₹9,875 Cr₹8,421 Cr₹7,436 Cr₹6,799 Cr₹6,440 Cr
Revaluation Reserves -----
Deposits ₹89,113 Cr₹76,638 Cr₹68,486 Cr₹63,278 Cr₹59,075 Cr
    Demand Deposits ₹8,283 Cr₹7,454 Cr₹6,921 Cr₹6,439 Cr₹5,504 Cr
    Savings Deposit ₹18,802 Cr₹17,995 Cr₹16,983 Cr₹15,215 Cr₹13,003 Cr
    Term Deposits / Fixed Deposits ₹62,028 Cr₹51,189 Cr₹44,582 Cr₹41,625 Cr₹40,568 Cr
    Current Deposits -----
    Recurring Deposits -----
    Other Deposits -----
Borrowings ₹2,478 Cr₹1,432 Cr₹1,339 Cr₹2,528 Cr₹1,184 Cr
    Borrowings From Reserve Bank of India ----₹260 Cr
    Borrowings From Other Banks -----
    Borrowings From GOI -----
    Borrowings From Other Financial Institutions ₹1,017 Cr₹484 Cr₹263 Cr₹1,736 Cr₹418 Cr
    Borrowings in the form of Bonds / Debentures -₹487 Cr₹487 Cr₹487 Cr₹487 Cr
    Borrowings in Other Form -----
    Borrowings From Out of India ₹1,461 Cr₹461 Cr₹589 Cr₹305 Cr₹20 Cr
Other Liabilities & Provisions ₹3,954 Cr₹3,526 Cr₹2,650 Cr₹1,857 Cr₹1,419 Cr
    Bills Payable ₹544 Cr₹640 Cr₹363 Cr₹298 Cr₹214 Cr
    Inter-office adjustment Liabilities ₹0.83 Cr----
    Interest Accrued ₹513 Cr₹418 Cr₹336 Cr₹157 Cr₹176 Cr
    Proposed Dividend -----
    Corporate dividend tax payable -----
    Other Liabilities & Provisions ₹2,896 Cr₹2,468 Cr₹1,950 Cr₹1,403 Cr₹1,029 Cr
Total Liabilities ₹105,585 Cr₹90,179 Cr₹80,071 Cr₹74,623 Cr₹68,278 Cr
Cash and balance with Reserve Bank of India ₹5,588 Cr₹4,279 Cr₹3,594 Cr₹3,514 Cr₹2,733 Cr
    Cash with RBI ₹4,809 Cr₹3,581 Cr₹2,898 Cr₹2,679 Cr₹1,956 Cr
    Cash in hand & others ₹779 Cr₹698 Cr₹696 Cr₹836 Cr₹777 Cr
Balances with banks and money at call ₹71 Cr₹416 Cr₹1,332 Cr₹2,806 Cr₹1,660 Cr
Investments ₹22,344 Cr₹18,808 Cr₹17,216 Cr₹16,019 Cr₹15,762 Cr
Investments in India ₹22,343 Cr₹18,808 Cr₹17,216 Cr₹16,018 Cr₹15,762 Cr
    GOI/State Govt. Securities ₹19,340 Cr₹16,735 Cr₹15,375 Cr₹14,939 Cr₹13,212 Cr
    Equity Shares - Corporate ₹126 Cr₹105 Cr₹102 Cr₹38 Cr₹33 Cr
    Debentures & Bonds ₹1,303 Cr₹1,390 Cr₹1,465 Cr₹578 Cr₹1,022 Cr
    Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures/Associates -----
    Units - MF/ Insurance/CP/PTC ₹1,575 Cr₹579 Cr₹274 Cr₹464 Cr₹1,495 Cr
    Other Investments -----
Investments outside India ₹0.30 Cr₹0.30 Cr₹0.27 Cr₹0.45 Cr₹0.44 Cr
    Government securities -----
    Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures abroad -----
    Other investments outside India ₹0.30 Cr₹0.30 Cr₹0.27 Cr₹0.45 Cr₹0.44 Cr
    Less: Prov for Diminution in Value of Invest. -----
Advances ₹73,667 Cr₹63,134 Cr₹54,661 Cr₹50,364 Cr₹46,098 Cr
    Bills Purchased & Discounted ₹1,696 Cr₹1,651 Cr₹1,346 Cr₹977 Cr₹862 Cr
    Cash Credit, Over Draft & Loans repayable ₹38,383 Cr₹32,258 Cr₹28,510 Cr₹27,410 Cr₹24,966 Cr
    Term Loans ₹33,589 Cr₹29,225 Cr₹24,805 Cr₹21,977 Cr₹20,269 Cr
    Finance lease and hire purchase receivable -----
    Advances Others -----
Gross block ₹1,792 Cr₹1,697 Cr₹1,641 Cr₹1,576 Cr₹1,497 Cr
    Premises ₹289 Cr₹287 Cr₹318 Cr₹307 Cr₹306 Cr
    Assets Given on Lease -----
    Other Fixed Assets ₹1,503 Cr₹1,409 Cr₹1,322 Cr₹1,269 Cr₹1,192 Cr
Less: Accumulated Depreciation ₹1,379 Cr₹1,279 Cr₹1,177 Cr₹1,058 Cr₹934 Cr
Less: Impairment of Assets -----
Net Block ₹412 Cr₹418 Cr₹464 Cr₹518 Cr₹563 Cr
Lease Adjustment -----
Capital Work in Progress ₹20 Cr₹17 Cr₹15 Cr₹21 Cr₹23 Cr
Other Assets ₹3,483 Cr₹3,107 Cr₹2,789 Cr₹1,381 Cr₹1,438 Cr
    Inter-office adjustment Assets -₹34 Cr₹222 Cr₹88 Cr₹2.63 Cr
    Interest Accrued Assets ₹1,479 Cr₹1,171 Cr₹965 Cr₹263 Cr₹324 Cr
    Tax paid in advance/TDS ----₹112 Cr
    Stationery and stamps ₹4.02 Cr₹2.99 Cr₹3.56 Cr₹2.81 Cr₹2.60 Cr
    Non-banking assets acquired ₹38 Cr₹38 Cr---
    Deferred tax asset ---₹37 Cr₹18 Cr
    Miscellaneous Expenditure not written off -----
    Assets Others ₹1,962 Cr₹1,861 Cr₹1,599 Cr₹990 Cr₹980 Cr
Total Assets ₹105,585 Cr₹90,179 Cr₹80,071 Cr₹74,623 Cr₹68,278 Cr
Contingent Liabilities ₹13,187 Cr₹10,405 Cr₹9,260 Cr₹10,124 Cr₹8,438 Cr
    Claims not acknowledged as debts ₹48 Cr₹50 Cr₹170 Cr₹5.74 Cr₹3.25 Cr
    Outstanding forward exchange contracts ₹7,661 Cr₹5,736 Cr₹4,652 Cr₹4,922 Cr₹3,680 Cr
    Guarantees given in India ₹3,161 Cr₹2,491 Cr₹2,247 Cr₹2,286 Cr₹2,892 Cr
    Guarantees given Outside India -----
    Acceptances, endorsements & other obligations ₹889 Cr₹1,250 Cr₹955 Cr₹916 Cr₹1,028 Cr
    Other Contingent liabilities ₹1,428 Cr₹878 Cr₹1,237 Cr₹1,994 Cr₹835 Cr
Bills for collection ₹3,278 Cr₹2,796 Cr₹2,330 Cr₹2,162 Cr₹2,232 Cr
Book Value -107.0094.9487.0782.57
Adjusted Book Value 124.77107.0094.9487.0782.57

Compare Balance Sheet of peers of KARUR VYSYA BANK

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
KARUR VYSYA BANK ₹17,361.7 Cr -5.5% -6.2% 32.2% Stock Analytics
HDFC BANK ₹1,370,280.0 Cr -0.1% 0.4% 6.6% Stock Analytics
ICICI BANK ₹916,957.0 Cr 0.9% -0.5% 29.3% Stock Analytics
KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK ₹348,716.0 Cr -0.5% -1.6% -5.6% Stock Analytics
AXIS BANK ₹333,311.0 Cr -2.9% -5.9% -1.5% Stock Analytics
INDUSIND BANK ₹72,619.3 Cr -3.3% -7.7% -40.5% Stock Analytics

KARUR VYSYA BANK Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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