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Balance Sheet

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BIRLA CORPORATION Last 5 Year Balance Sheet History


Share Capital ₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr
    Equity - Authorised ₹90 Cr₹90 Cr₹90 Cr₹90 Cr₹90 Cr
    Equity - Issued ₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr
    Equity Paid Up ₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr₹77 Cr
    Equity Shares Forfeited -----
    Adjustments to Equity -----
    Preference Capital Paid Up -----
    Face Value ₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00
Share Warrants & Outstandings -----
Total Reserves ₹6,597 Cr₹5,904 Cr₹5,972 Cr₹5,409 Cr₹4,729 Cr
    Securities Premium -----
    Capital Reserves ₹110 Cr₹110 Cr₹110 Cr₹109 Cr₹109 Cr
    Profit & Loss Account Balance ₹2,195 Cr₹1,786 Cr₹1,826 Cr₹1,498 Cr₹924 Cr
    General Reserves ₹2,728 Cr₹2,728 Cr₹2,728 Cr₹2,700 Cr₹2,668 Cr
    Other Reserves ₹1,564 Cr₹1,280 Cr₹1,309 Cr₹1,102 Cr₹1,028 Cr
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve ₹5,666 Cr₹4,982 Cr₹5,026 Cr₹4,585 Cr₹3,907 Cr
Revaluation reserve ₹931 Cr₹921 Cr₹946 Cr₹824 Cr₹822 Cr
Shareholder's Funds ₹6,674 Cr₹5,981 Cr₹6,049 Cr₹5,486 Cr₹4,806 Cr
Minority Interest ₹0.04 Cr₹0.04 Cr₹0.04 Cr₹0.04 Cr₹0.04 Cr
Long-Term Borrowings -----
Secured Loans ₹3,185 Cr₹3,838 Cr₹3,791 Cr₹3,604 Cr₹3,669 Cr
    Non Convertible Debentures ₹456 Cr₹514 Cr₹550 Cr₹550 Cr₹530 Cr
    Converible Debentures & Bonds -----
    Packing Credit - Bank -----
    Inter Corporate & Security Deposit -----
    Term Loans - Banks ₹3,273 Cr₹3,792 Cr₹3,424 Cr₹3,453 Cr₹3,661 Cr
    Term Loans - Institutions -----
    Other Secured ₹-543 Cr₹-467 Cr₹-183 Cr₹-398 Cr₹-522 Cr
Unsecured Loans -----
    Fixed Deposits - Public -----
    Loans and advances from subsidiaries -----
    Inter Corporate Deposits (Unsecured) -----
    Foreign Currency Convertible Notes -----
    Long Term Loan in Foreign Currency -----
    Loans - Banks -----
    Loans - Govt. -----
    Loans - Others -----
    Other Unsecured Loan -----
Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities ₹1,104 Cr₹971 Cr₹972 Cr₹867 Cr₹857 Cr
    Deferred Tax Assets ₹227 Cr₹271 Cr₹228 Cr₹289 Cr₹388 Cr
    Deferred Tax Liability ₹1,331 Cr₹1,242 Cr₹1,200 Cr₹1,156 Cr₹1,245 Cr
Other Long Term Liabilities ₹902 Cr₹870 Cr₹840 Cr₹850 Cr₹692 Cr
Long Term Trade Payables -----
Long Term Provisions ₹53 Cr₹78 Cr₹65 Cr₹63 Cr₹51 Cr
Total Non-Current Liabilities ₹5,244 Cr₹5,757 Cr₹5,668 Cr₹5,385 Cr₹5,269 Cr
Current Liabilities -----
Trade Payables ₹868 Cr₹920 Cr₹762 Cr₹589 Cr₹523 Cr
    Sundry Creditors ₹868 Cr₹920 Cr₹762 Cr₹589 Cr₹523 Cr
    Acceptances -----
    Due to Subsidiaries- Trade Payables -----
Other Current Liabilities ₹1,595 Cr₹1,381 Cr₹1,148 Cr₹1,388 Cr₹1,477 Cr
    Bank Overdraft / Short term credit -----
    Advances received from customers ₹147 Cr₹133 Cr₹136 Cr₹155 Cr₹94 Cr
    Interest Accrued But Not Due ₹16 Cr₹18 Cr₹19 Cr₹31 Cr₹31 Cr
    Share Application Money -----
    Current maturity of Debentures & Bonds ₹134 Cr₹60 Cr₹30 Cr₹150 Cr-
    Current maturity - Others -----
    Other Liabilities ₹1,297 Cr₹1,170 Cr₹962 Cr₹1,052 Cr₹1,352 Cr
Short Term Borrowings ₹12 Cr₹21 Cr₹212 Cr₹30 Cr₹84 Cr
    Secured ST Loans repayable on Demands ₹2.65 Cr₹2.54 Cr₹202 Cr₹10 Cr₹84 Cr
    Working Capital Loans- Sec ₹2.65 Cr₹2.54 Cr₹202 Cr₹10 Cr₹63 Cr
    Buyers Credits - Unsec -----
    Commercial Borrowings- Unsec -----
    Other Unsecured Loans ₹7.15 Cr₹15 Cr₹-192 Cr₹9.94 Cr₹-63 Cr
Short Term Provisions ₹43 Cr₹13 Cr₹14 Cr₹17 Cr₹17 Cr
    Proposed Equity Dividend -----
    Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax -----
    Provision for Tax ₹0.02 Cr--₹5.73 Cr₹0.02 Cr
    Provision for post retirement benefits -----
    Preference Dividend -----
    Other Provisions ₹43 Cr₹13 Cr₹14 Cr₹12 Cr₹17 Cr
Total Current Liabilities ₹2,518 Cr₹2,334 Cr₹2,136 Cr₹2,025 Cr₹2,100 Cr
Total Liabilities ₹14,436 Cr₹14,072 Cr₹13,853 Cr₹12,896 Cr₹12,175 Cr
Gross Block ₹13,026 Cr₹12,519 Cr₹9,755 Cr₹9,109 Cr₹8,741 Cr
Less: Accumulated Depreciation ₹3,237 Cr₹2,678 Cr₹2,178 Cr₹1,785 Cr₹1,416 Cr
Less: Impairment of Assets -----
Net Block ₹9,789 Cr₹9,842 Cr₹7,576 Cr₹7,323 Cr₹7,325 Cr
Lease Adjustment A/c -----
Capital Work in Progress ₹480 Cr₹357 Cr₹2,549 Cr₹2,103 Cr₹1,602 Cr
Non Current Investments ₹702 Cr₹411 Cr₹407 Cr₹289 Cr₹160 Cr
Long Term Investment ₹702 Cr₹411 Cr₹407 Cr₹289 Cr₹160 Cr
    Quoted ₹687 Cr₹396 Cr₹407 Cr₹289 Cr₹160 Cr
    Unquoted ₹16 Cr₹14 Cr₹0.06 Cr₹0.06 Cr₹0.06 Cr
Long Term Loans & Advances ₹308 Cr₹305 Cr₹267 Cr₹323 Cr₹318 Cr
Other Non Current Assets ₹173 Cr₹136 Cr₹183 Cr₹187 Cr₹74 Cr
Total Non-Current Assets ₹11,455 Cr₹11,052 Cr₹10,985 Cr₹10,228 Cr₹9,482 Cr
Current Assets Loans & Advances -----
Currents Investments ₹585 Cr₹457 Cr₹602 Cr₹463 Cr₹676 Cr
    Quoted ₹214 Cr₹90 Cr₹25 Cr--
    Unquoted ₹371 Cr₹367 Cr₹577 Cr₹463 Cr₹676 Cr
Inventories ₹965 Cr₹1,062 Cr₹820 Cr₹810 Cr₹788 Cr
    Raw Materials ₹171 Cr₹125 Cr₹93 Cr₹118 Cr₹113 Cr
    Work-in Progress ₹191 Cr₹222 Cr₹139 Cr₹126 Cr₹106 Cr
    Finished Goods ₹143 Cr₹170 Cr₹107 Cr₹97 Cr₹194 Cr
    Packing Materials ₹22 Cr₹23 Cr₹24 Cr₹20 Cr₹9.79 Cr
    Stores  and Spare ₹304 Cr₹272 Cr₹246 Cr₹223 Cr₹236 Cr
    Other Inventory ₹133 Cr₹249 Cr₹211 Cr₹225 Cr₹129 Cr
Sundry Debtors ₹415 Cr₹323 Cr₹303 Cr₹280 Cr₹250 Cr
    Debtors more than Six months ₹24 Cr₹32 Cr₹33 Cr₹33 Cr-
    Debtors Others ₹404 Cr₹304 Cr₹281 Cr₹262 Cr₹265 Cr
Cash and Bank ₹159 Cr₹218 Cr₹138 Cr₹177 Cr₹99 Cr
    Cash in hand ₹0.18 Cr₹0.27 Cr₹0.17 Cr₹0.19 Cr₹0.20 Cr
    Balances at Bank ₹159 Cr₹218 Cr₹137 Cr₹177 Cr₹99 Cr
    Other cash and bank balances --₹1.03 Cr₹0.41 Cr₹0.09 Cr
Other Current Assets ₹574 Cr₹535 Cr₹489 Cr₹348 Cr₹403 Cr
    Interest accrued on Investments ₹1.80 Cr₹1.12 Cr₹2.33 Cr₹4.27 Cr₹5.57 Cr
    Interest accrued on Debentures -----
    Deposits with Government -----
    Interest accrued and or due on loans -----
    Prepaid Expenses ₹22 Cr₹13 Cr₹11 Cr₹9.88 Cr₹8.65 Cr
    Other current_assets ₹551 Cr₹521 Cr₹475 Cr₹334 Cr₹389 Cr
Short Term Loans and Advances ₹283 Cr₹424 Cr₹514 Cr₹588 Cr₹476 Cr
    Advances recoverable in cash or in kind ₹203 Cr₹203 Cr₹207 Cr₹226 Cr₹176 Cr
    Advance income tax and TDS -----
    Amounts due from directors -----
    Due From Subsidiaries -----
    Inter corporate deposits -----
    Corporate Deposits -----
    Other Loans & Advances ₹80 Cr₹221 Cr₹307 Cr₹362 Cr₹300 Cr
Total Current Assets ₹2,981 Cr₹3,019 Cr₹2,866 Cr₹2,667 Cr₹2,692 Cr
Net Current Assets (Including Current Investments) ₹463 Cr₹685 Cr₹730 Cr₹642 Cr₹592 Cr
Miscellaneous Expenses not written off -----
Total Assets ₹14,436 Cr₹14,072 Cr₹13,853 Cr₹12,896 Cr₹12,175 Cr
Contingent Liabilities ₹517 Cr₹383 Cr₹442 Cr₹450 Cr₹424 Cr
Total Debt ₹3,770 Cr₹4,350 Cr₹4,208 Cr₹4,046 Cr₹4,282 Cr
Book Value -656.98662.69605.39517.29
Adjusted Book Value 745.75656.98662.69605.39517.29

Compare Balance Sheet of peers of BIRLA CORPORATION

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
BIRLA CORPORATION ₹7,487.1 Cr -3.8% -16.1% -43.6% Stock Analytics
GRASIM INDUSTRIES ₹156,915.0 Cr -5.1% -7.6% 6.2% Stock Analytics
3M INDIA ₹29,586.9 Cr -4% -12.4% -15.3% Stock Analytics
ADITYA BIRLA REAL ESTATE ₹20,778.8 Cr -9.6% -6.5% 25.1% Stock Analytics
DCM SHRIRAM ₹14,867.5 Cr -5.8% -16% -5.9% Stock Analytics
SURYA ROSHNI ₹4,654.1 Cr -8.8% -19.6% -26.5% Stock Analytics

BIRLA CORPORATION Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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