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Balance Sheet

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DENIS CHEM LAB Last 5 Year Balance Sheet History


Share Capital ₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr
    Equity - Authorised ₹16 Cr₹16 Cr₹16 Cr₹16 Cr₹16 Cr
    Equity - Issued ₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr
    Equity Paid Up ₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr₹14 Cr
    Equity Shares Forfeited -----
    Adjustments to Equity -----
    Preference Capital Paid Up -----
    Face Value ₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00₹10.00
Share Warrants & Outstandings -----
Total Reserves ₹66 Cr₹58 Cr₹53 Cr₹48 Cr₹45 Cr
    Securities Premium ₹32 Cr₹32 Cr₹32 Cr₹32 Cr₹32 Cr
    Capital Reserves ₹0.00 Cr₹0.00 Cr₹0.00 Cr₹0.00 Cr₹0.00 Cr
    Profit & Loss Account Balance ₹34 Cr₹26 Cr₹20 Cr₹15 Cr₹13 Cr
    General Reserves ₹0.37 Cr₹0.37 Cr₹0.37 Cr₹0.37 Cr₹0.37 Cr
    Other Reserves ₹0.12 Cr₹0.12 Cr₹0.12 Cr₹0.12 Cr₹0.12 Cr
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve ₹66 Cr₹58 Cr₹53 Cr₹48 Cr₹45 Cr
Revaluation reserve -----
Shareholder's Funds ₹80 Cr₹72 Cr₹66 Cr₹62 Cr₹59 Cr
Minority Interest -----
Long-Term Borrowings -----
Secured Loans -₹0.47 Cr₹1.44 Cr₹2.78 Cr₹0.25 Cr
    Non Convertible Debentures -----
    Converible Debentures & Bonds -----
    Packing Credit - Bank -----
    Inter Corporate & Security Deposit -----
    Term Loans - Banks -₹0.47 Cr₹1.44 Cr₹2.53 Cr₹2.93 Cr
    Term Loans - Institutions ---₹0.25 Cr₹0.25 Cr
    Other Secured ---₹0.00 Cr₹-2.93 Cr
Unsecured Loans ₹0.45 Cr₹0.45 Cr₹0.74 Cr₹0.73 Cr₹1.92 Cr
    Fixed Deposits - Public -----
    Loans and advances from subsidiaries -----
    Inter Corporate Deposits (Unsecured) -----
    Foreign Currency Convertible Notes -----
    Long Term Loan in Foreign Currency -----
    Loans - Banks -----
    Loans - Govt. -----
    Loans - Others -----
    Other Unsecured Loan ₹0.45 Cr₹0.45 Cr₹0.74 Cr₹0.73 Cr₹1.92 Cr
Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities ₹0.96 Cr₹1.95 Cr₹1.86 Cr₹0.83 Cr₹0.27 Cr
    Deferred Tax Assets ₹0.38 Cr₹0.13 Cr₹1.02 Cr₹1.96 Cr₹2.80 Cr
    Deferred Tax Liability ₹1.34 Cr₹2.08 Cr₹2.88 Cr₹2.80 Cr₹3.07 Cr
Other Long Term Liabilities -----
Long Term Trade Payables -----
Long Term Provisions ₹0.37 Cr₹0.24 Cr₹0.60 Cr₹1.33 Cr₹1.52 Cr
Total Non-Current Liabilities ₹1.79 Cr₹3.11 Cr₹4.63 Cr₹5.66 Cr₹3.97 Cr
Current Liabilities -----
Trade Payables ₹21 Cr₹18 Cr₹20 Cr₹16 Cr₹18 Cr
    Sundry Creditors ₹21 Cr₹18 Cr₹20 Cr₹16 Cr₹18 Cr
    Acceptances -----
    Due to Subsidiaries- Trade Payables -----
Other Current Liabilities ₹3.79 Cr₹4.94 Cr₹4.75 Cr₹4.24 Cr₹7.26 Cr
    Bank Overdraft / Short term credit -----
    Advances received from customers ₹0.17 Cr₹0.46 Cr₹0.35 Cr₹0.75 Cr₹0.74 Cr
    Interest Accrued But Not Due -----
    Share Application Money -----
    Current maturity of Debentures & Bonds -----
    Current maturity - Others -----
    Other Liabilities ₹3.62 Cr₹4.47 Cr₹4.40 Cr₹3.49 Cr₹6.52 Cr
Short Term Borrowings ₹0.14 Cr₹0.03 Cr₹0.06 Cr₹4.69 Cr₹8.34 Cr
    Secured ST Loans repayable on Demands ₹0.14 Cr₹0.03 Cr₹0.06 Cr₹4.69 Cr₹8.34 Cr
    Working Capital Loans- Sec ₹0.14 Cr₹0.03 Cr₹0.06 Cr₹4.69 Cr₹8.34 Cr
    Buyers Credits - Unsec -----
    Commercial Borrowings- Unsec -----
    Other Unsecured Loans ₹-0.14 Cr₹-0.03 Cr₹-0.06 Cr₹-4.69 Cr₹-8.34 Cr
Short Term Provisions ₹1.86 Cr₹0.83 Cr₹0.79 Cr₹0.50 Cr₹0.52 Cr
    Proposed Equity Dividend -----
    Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax -----
    Provision for Tax ₹1.36 Cr₹0.80 Cr₹0.35 Cr-₹0.17 Cr
    Provision for post retirement benefits -----
    Preference Dividend -----
    Other Provisions ₹0.51 Cr₹0.03 Cr₹0.45 Cr₹0.50 Cr₹0.35 Cr
Total Current Liabilities ₹27 Cr₹24 Cr₹25 Cr₹25 Cr₹34 Cr
Total Liabilities ₹109 Cr₹99 Cr₹96 Cr₹92 Cr₹97 Cr
Gross Block ₹111 Cr₹102 Cr₹101 Cr₹95 Cr₹94 Cr
Less: Accumulated Depreciation ₹74 Cr₹67 Cr₹59 Cr₹54 Cr₹48 Cr
Less: Impairment of Assets -----
Net Block ₹38 Cr₹35 Cr₹42 Cr₹41 Cr₹46 Cr
Lease Adjustment A/c -----
Capital Work in Progress ₹0.22 Cr₹2.13 Cr-₹0.08 Cr-
Non Current Investments -----
Long Term Investment -----
    Quoted -----
    Unquoted -----
Long Term Loans & Advances ₹2.13 Cr₹2.66 Cr₹1.41 Cr₹2.24 Cr₹1.54 Cr
Other Non Current Assets -----
Total Non-Current Assets ₹40 Cr₹40 Cr₹43 Cr₹44 Cr₹47 Cr
Current Assets Loans & Advances -----
Currents Investments -----
    Quoted -----
    Unquoted -----
Inventories ₹10 Cr₹9.12 Cr₹9.89 Cr₹9.11 Cr₹8.53 Cr
    Raw Materials ₹5.44 Cr₹5.40 Cr₹5.22 Cr₹4.42 Cr₹3.95 Cr
    Work-in Progress ₹0.35 Cr₹0.43 Cr₹0.33 Cr₹0.74 Cr₹0.21 Cr
    Finished Goods ₹3.74 Cr₹2.87 Cr₹3.95 Cr₹3.83 Cr₹3.99 Cr
    Packing Materials -----
    Stores  and Spare ₹0.22 Cr₹0.21 Cr₹0.10 Cr₹0.10 Cr₹0.35 Cr
    Other Inventory ₹0.44 Cr₹0.22 Cr₹0.29 Cr₹0.02 Cr₹0.03 Cr
Sundry Debtors ₹32 Cr₹31 Cr₹32 Cr₹33 Cr₹35 Cr
    Debtors more than Six months ₹0.43 Cr₹0.28 Cr₹3.01 Cr₹2.64 Cr-
    Debtors Others ₹32 Cr₹31 Cr₹29 Cr₹30 Cr₹35 Cr
Cash and Bank ₹25 Cr₹17 Cr₹8.83 Cr₹4.54 Cr₹3.63 Cr
    Cash in hand ₹0.02 Cr₹0.02 Cr₹0.03 Cr₹0.04 Cr₹0.04 Cr
    Balances at Bank ₹25 Cr₹17 Cr₹8.80 Cr₹4.51 Cr₹3.60 Cr
    Other cash and bank balances -----
Other Current Assets ₹0.65 Cr₹0.46 Cr₹0.76 Cr₹0.33 Cr₹0.31 Cr
    Interest accrued on Investments -----
    Interest accrued on Debentures -----
    Deposits with Government -----
    Interest accrued and or due on loans ₹0.63 Cr₹0.42 Cr₹0.16 Cr₹0.18 Cr₹0.15 Cr
    Prepaid Expenses --₹0.07 Cr--
    Other current_assets ₹0.02 Cr₹0.04 Cr₹0.53 Cr₹0.15 Cr₹0.16 Cr
Short Term Loans and Advances ₹2.20 Cr₹1.49 Cr₹2.00 Cr₹1.70 Cr₹2.58 Cr
    Advances recoverable in cash or in kind ₹0.69 Cr₹0.37 Cr₹0.53 Cr₹0.56 Cr₹1.68 Cr
    Advance income tax and TDS ---₹0.37 Cr₹0.24 Cr
    Amounts due from directors -----
    Due From Subsidiaries -----
    Inter corporate deposits -----
    Corporate Deposits -----
    Other Loans & Advances ₹1.51 Cr₹1.12 Cr₹1.47 Cr₹0.76 Cr₹0.66 Cr
Total Current Assets ₹69 Cr₹59 Cr₹53 Cr₹49 Cr₹50 Cr
Net Current Assets (Including Current Investments) ₹42 Cr₹35 Cr₹28 Cr₹23 Cr₹16 Cr
Miscellaneous Expenses not written off -----
Total Assets ₹109 Cr₹99 Cr₹96 Cr₹92 Cr₹97 Cr
Contingent Liabilities ₹3.00 Cr₹3.33 Cr₹2.89 Cr₹7.83 Cr₹6.65 Cr
Total Debt ₹1.05 Cr₹1.93 Cr₹3.22 Cr₹8.62 Cr₹14 Cr
Book Value 57.9152.0847.8944.3242.58
Adjusted Book Value 57.9152.0847.8944.3242.58

Compare Balance Sheet of peers of DENIS CHEM LAB

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
DENIS CHEM LAB ₹230.9 Cr -5.4% 7.4% 50.9% Stock Analytics
SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES ₹451,603.0 Cr 2.9% 6.4% 48.1% Stock Analytics
DIVIS LABORATORIES ₹160,862.0 Cr 0.5% -2.1% 59.2% Stock Analytics
CIPLA ₹122,810.0 Cr 2.3% 1% 20.6% Stock Analytics
DR REDDYS LABORATORIES ₹114,946.0 Cr 3.5% 15.7% 20.3% Stock Analytics
ZYDUS LIFESCIENCES ₹96,377.1 Cr -0.1% 2.3% 41.1% Stock Analytics

DENIS CHEM LAB Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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