Our visual charts and colour codes help you quickly analyse any stock and make smart investment decisions
Our Robo Analytics helps you analyze financial statements of any company for the last 5+ years
Our Valuation Score compares all companies within Industry as well as across all companies
Mathematical models help you know the Intrinsic value of any stock and the market premium/discount
Our cutting edge Stock Screener helps you discover great stocks using various criteria , hence giving you an edge
Analyze any stock on your own and take judicious decisions. We don't provide stock tips/recommendations and hence don't mislead you
This is a Revolutionary Tool to help Retail Investors like me. It has made me more analytical in choosing where to invest!
Smart-Investing.in saves countless hours of time and helps me separate great stocks from the junk !
The Stock Screener is just amazing. It helps to discover great stocks in any Sector or Industry using multiple filters!
Visual Reports provided by the website make it so easy to take smart investment decisions !
I always wanted to calculate intrinsic value of stocks that I wanted to buy. You guys made my life so easy!
The user interface is very simple to understand for Retail Investors of all ages!
Help Retail Investors make smarter decisions by empowering them with quality analytics and visual charts.
Misleading Stock Tips and Recommendations
The founder is IIM Alumnus and an avid investor himself. He believes in helping other investors make informed decisions.
Smart-Investing.in is a D-I-Y (Do-It-Yourself) tool which helps investors make smart investment decisions using data analytics and visual charts. A Smart Investment is done after analyzing all the risks associated with an investment and the associated returns. There are various avenues where one can invest such as Stocks, Real Estate, Mutual Funds, Debt, etc. For stock market investing, the smart investor should analyze Fundamentals, Valuation , Intrinsic Value, Price Momentum, Pledged Shares and Debt Structure, at the very least, before making an investment.
While there are various avenues to learn such as books, blogs and youtube videos, we found that you will take a lot of time finding the right information to learn.
Hence we have created a collection of short video courses to get you started quickly:
Stock Market Investing
, Value Investing
, Technical Analysis
, Mutual Funds Investing
, Excel for Finance
The best way to invest money is in assets which would generate high returns with a calculated amount of risk. There are various avenues to invest such as Stocks, Real estate, Mutual funds, Debt, etc. Stocks are considered to be the best asset class and have given highest returns historically over a long period of time.
A beginner can invest in various asset classes such as stocks, mutual funds, real estate and debt. However it's must that one is aware of the risks and returns associated with a specific asset. Stocks are the best asset class for the long term and one should educate themselves about the same before investing. Click Here to get educated.